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Think You Deserve a Raise? Ask for It

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Old 08-13-2010, 04:38 PM
bholas bholas is offline
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Default Think You Deserve a Raise? Ask for It

You think just because you're in HR you shouldn't have to ask for a raise? The system will take care of you just like it does everyone else, right? You of all people should know better.

Compensation systems have always been designed to attract, retain and motivate employee, and companies are always doing whatever they can to keep their star performers from defecting. So how do you convince your manager that you're one of the stars?

Same Old Story
The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. If you're sitting on the sidelines hoping that somewhere, somehow, someone will recognize you for the job you've done, you will be there for a long time.

Today's managers work at warp speed. Things happen so quickly in the workplace that they are often onto the next project before the ink is dry on the current one. They barely have time to lift their heads, never mind thank employees for a job well done. They may want to reward you financially, but by the time this thought crosses their mind, weeks -- perhaps even months -- have passed.

Toot Your Own Horn
As difficult as it may be, you need to learn to toot your own horn to avoid falling by the wayside. Make your boss aware of your accomplishments. After you complete a project, debrief your boss on your successes. Follow up in writing so he can readily access the information for your review.

Be Prepared
You have a lot more invested in your review than your boss, so go in prepared. Don't assume your boss will remember all your accomplishments. Take the time to compile a detailed self-evaluation highlighting your accomplishments over the review period. Then give the report to your boss before he prepares your review.

Just the Facts
Before you go in to ask for a pay raise, do some research. Use resources like Monster's Salary Wizard to see what the market is paying for your position. Gather data from as many sources as you can so you can present these facts to your boss. Salary discussions can be very emotional, so try to check those feelings at the door and stick to the facts.

On the Home Front
Knowing what your coworkerse make can give you a good sense of where you stand in the organization, so it doesn't hurt to get that information. But as tempting as it may be, do not present this information to your boss. If you take this approach, you could lose the credibility you've worked so hard to establish.

Don't Make Threats
Your goal is a pay increase. Threatening your boss or backing him into a corner may get you more money now, but in the long run, you'll have damaged your relationship. This will have a serious impact on your future with the company. No one likes to be held hostage.

Just Do It
Now that you know what to do to get a raise, don't overlook the most important step: Ask for it. That's right. Ask and ye may receive. Don't ask and ye will still be sitting on the sidelines waiting for that magical moment to arrive.

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