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Why Park Your Domain Name When It Can Pay You - Every Single Day?

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Old 11-24-2009, 12:47 PM
bholus10 bholus10 is offline
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Default Why Park Your Domain Name When It Can Pay You - Every Single Day?

Do you own a parked domain name? If so, there's an excellent chance your domain registration company is making money from it – while you get nothing. To me, that's just wrong...

Money you'll never get – earned by your domain name! I'm not surprised these companies so diligent about sending those renewal memos. Who cares about the $8 registration fee - They're after the $100+ your domain name can generate for them every single month!

This was happening to me until recently. Now I get an average of $3.50 per day, per domain name - completely on auto-pilot. It's not a fortune to be sure, but that's over $100 per month that I get for doing about fifteen minutes work - just one time.

If you want in on the action but don't have any parked domains, think about buying a $2 domain on Yahoo.

The process is really simple. You can use the services of several companies. I'll use Google because I'm showing you exactly how I did it. But feel free to use any service you like.

First, sign up for a free Adsense account at http://www.google.com/adsense - if you don't already have one. But DON'T get your ad code yet. I have some tips that can triple your response rates - and income. By the way, ‘Yahoo Publisher', another income generating ad resource, is also good- http://publisher.yahoo.com/.

Now, if you want ****er free information about your visitors and some really nice metrics information, get your free Google Analytics account at http://www.google.com/analytics/. If you'd rather not use Google, give http://www.statcounter.com/ a try. It's also free.

Now for the frosting on the cake; hosting. You can go a couple different ways with this. One is to use a revenue share like CashParking, the one offered by http://www.Godaddy.com. In short, you pay

a monthly fee, and they share a percentage of the income generated from the ads on your web page. Godaddy is my favorite registration service, but I had to pass on this one. With no usable content on these pages

or helpful free SEO (search engine optimization) tools I believe the odds of getting many visitors are slim to none. Besides that, the idea of paying a monthly fee, just to get back part of my own profits is not really for me.

After some digging, I went with http://www.WhyParkWeb.com. It works out to be a lot less expensive for me, gives me loads of control and builds a full website for me in just a few minutes. Best of all, I got ranked on Google in just three days – using one of their free automated tools.

That's it for the main article. If you go with a service like http://www.WhyParkWeb.com however, you might want to stick around for a few more minutes. Because WhyParkWeb gives you such control (with no complicated actions on your part) I am able to offer you a few insider tips that can easily triple your income. Really!

If you'd like to check out an actual site I have setup, feel free to visit http://www.mysearchengineplacement.com/ (but please don't click any ads unless you really want to see the product.)

Okay, let's do this by the numbers...

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Old 11-24-2009, 12:47 PM
bholus10 bholus10 is offline
Award Winner
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 10,043
#1 How to find the best keywords

It's easier than ever to find the best keywords. Let's start with Overture's Web-based tool. It's amazing. Give it a try at http://inventory.overture.com. Just type in a word or phrase that has to do with your domain name and get the actual searches done within a given month.

(Please Note: This link was accurate at the time of this writing but has been known to change.)

There's also a free piece of software that's getting great reviews. It's called Good Keywords version 2. It's a freeware product available for instant download from http://www.GoodKeywords.com.

#2 How to write a ****er Website title that search engine like Google love.

Let's do a real project, shall we? Let's say we have a domain name to do with custom cakes. If we enter the word ‘cake' into the Overture search, we'll get a ton of results. Let's just look at the first few:

wedding cake - 307,975 (searches performed for this keyword/phrase in just one month) cake - 225,183 (same deal..) birthday cake - 185,054 baby shower cake - 45,287

Take your most important specific and general keyword phrases and put them together, specific first; general second.

Let's use "wedding cake" and "cake". Now separate the keywords or phrases by a pipe (that vertical key over the Enter/Return key). We now have "wedding cake

| cake". Now go back and grab one or two more relevant keywords like "birthday cake" and "baby shower cake" and combine them like this "wedding cake | cakes for birthdays, baby showers and more".

Now you've covered all your bases and build a fantastic keyword rich title that won't look like keyword spamming. More importantly it's one that people will actually read. You have singular and plural versions of "cake(s)", which will also help - a lot.

#3 How to write a META description that will really get you noticed.

This is important. Not only can this tip alone get you ahead of most competitors, but it's also what readers see of your site

before they decide to visit. You need to write something for people, but that search engines will like. Don't worry. It's much simpler than it probably sounds.

Take all of your keywords and line them up in order of importance. Since "wedding cake" gets more searches than any other, let's start there and use the same logic for the rest. Now we have, in order, "wedding cake", "cake", "birthday cake", and "baby shower cake."

Be sure to improve your keyword prominence (relevance based on position) by using your best keyword within the first few words of the description, like this: "Wedding cakes made easy! Get great articles, recipes and decorating tips to make cakes for your special occasion.

From triple-layer double chocolate birthday cakes to baby shower cup cake buffets; we have tips to make your special occasion delicious."

As you can see, we used all of our keywords without overloading the text and broke it up a little by adding some detail. It works great! Just try to keep the description at or under 250 characters (including spaces).
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