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Top 10 Bizarre Collectibles

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Old 08-26-2010, 08:51 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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Default Top 10 Bizarre Collectibles

You would never believe what some people go to lengths to collect. Whether its spending a ton of money on ebay to buy some celebrity’s hair collected from a hotel drain or someone that hoards and won’t throw away newspapers, there are bizarre collections hidden in people’s basements and attics around the globe.
10. Cereal Boxes

I guess every kid grows up and wants to be on a Wheaties box someday. We grow up with characters like Count Chocula, Cap’t Crunch, and Tucan Sam from the Fruit Loops box. There is even that little leprechaun that tries to keep you from finding his Lucky Charms. Did you know that there is an entire underground pop culture phenomenon of people that just love collecting cereal boxes? There is even a website dedicated to it www.cerealbits.com. From message boards to photo collections, people gather to talk and sell their collectible cereal paraphernalia. For only $1375 you can buy a collection of over 150 cereal boxes dating from the 1980’s to today!

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Old 08-26-2010, 08:51 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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9. Toasters

You’d never guess that grandma’s antique toaster that is hidden up in her attic could be someone’s treasure find! Just check out Jack and Beverly’s Toaster Collectibles at http://brightbytes.com/collection/toaster.html According to their website, “We now have over 100 toasters in the form of salt and peppers, Christmas ornaments, trays, cookie jars, refrigerator magnets, children’s toys, an inflatable toaster, cards, shirts and caps.” Who would have known that not only could toasters be such a valuable commodity, but also I could have never guessed that they came in so many shapes, sizes, and even characters.
Then there is Chuck Essler. Chuck’s toaster collection is now at over 300 toasters and growing every chance he gets, according to an article found in the Texarkana Gazette. Essler and his wife comb antique shops, garage sales and flea markets searching for those hidden antique beauties.
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Old 08-26-2010, 08:51 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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8. Hubcaps

I can see it now, a wall of art, well, errrr, hubcaps that is. All lined up, metallic and shiny, hanging on the wall. This may be pop art in one of its classic forms. Can you call pop art classic? Either way, whether its lining the chain link fence at the local garage, or in your neighbors basements. Hubcaps have been a popular collectors item since the 50’s and probably won’t end any time soon.
Gaston Lapointe has even dedicated an entire website to his hubcap collection and hobby. You can find out more about it at http://www.hubcap.bc.ca/. He says that his “career as a hubcap man, I believe started way back when I was only nine years old.” He found a 1953 Cadillac hubcap that he hung in the pool room of a family friend. That started a lifetime of hubcap collecting and trading.
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Old 08-26-2010, 08:54 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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7. Duct tape

Yes, you read that correctly, duct tape. That magic thick and wide silver sticky stuff that can be used to repair just about anything. Not only can it repair things, but others also use it to make things. From purses to wallets, book covers to sculptures, duct tape seems to be the thing these days. There’s even a YouTube video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0V70FvyrpI Actually, there are several YouTube videos about it. And, a wiki. Yes, a duct tape wiki… http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Duct_tape
Can you believe that this sticky stuff can cause such a pop culture sensation?
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Old 08-26-2010, 08:54 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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6. Bones

OK, bones, you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal about collecting bones?” Well I’m not talking about fossils, or old dinosaurs that people strive to put back together. From animal bones to human skulls, there is an entire black market out there for buying and selling bones. You can find them on eBay and other markets online. Most claim to come from cadavers. But, do they? How can you be so sure?
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