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Old 08-28-2010, 10:44 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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Default Top 10 Poker Personalities

There are 10 poker personality types that seem to make up almost any poker table you will ever encounter. Which personality you happen to be, as well as who it is you are competing against, can become one of the most important factors to winning or losing. Having the ability to “size up” a table quickly can give you an edge over some players, while also serving as an indicator of when it’s time to hold’em, fold’em, or get the heck out of there before you not only lose your shirt, but your pants and socks too!
10. Not Playing With A Full Deck

This is the easiest poker player to deal with because they know absolutely nothing about the game of poker except that it involves cards and money. The most damage these players can ever hope to accomplish is if a little luck happens to come their way, which does happen from time to time. This player folds when they have a weak hand and calls when they have a strong hand; what more could a poker player ask of such an unworthy opponent?

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