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Old 08-28-2010, 06:19 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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2. Vertigo Tour, U2

U2’s Vertigo Tour stands as the band’s most successful tour yet. The tour, which went worldwide, was able to draw 4,169,021 fans. U2 played 131 shows all over the world, including Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Canada, and plenty of other locations. Out of all 131 shows, 110 sold out almost immediately. In the US alone, over 1.4 million tickets were purchased. The tour was planned to help promote the band’s CD How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, which is the band’s 11th CD. It was so successful that three different films were created, each of them showing footage from different concerts that went on during the tour. Vertigo Tour lasted from March 28, 2005 to December 9, 2006 and not only did fans get to listen to U2, they also got a chance to enjoy Pearl Jam, Interpol, Snow Patrol, and plenty of other bands.

The most memorable part of the tour was probably the large LED curtain that covered the stage. With a wide variety of colors, the curtain often displayed abstract pictures and sometimes even text. The curtain was made with 189 strings of LED balls.
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