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Old 08-27-2010, 12:30 PM
bholas bholas is offline
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Default Top 10 Racial Stereotypes

Political correctness aside, there are many colorful (no pun intended) assumptions about people in relation to their racial backgrounds. Stereotypes can be found for every race and ethnicity. In fact, quite aside from any racist or prejudicial purposes (for which they are often associated with); stereotypes commonly are simple truths usually relating to a few folks that are generalized and applied (often incorrectly) to a whole category of people. While racial stereotyping has at times proved to be hurtful and oppressive, taken in a lighter vein, they have also proved to be the source for a good deal of parody and humor (think about such movie classics as Airplane and Blazing Saddle). With this in mind, let’s take a look at the 10 most interesting racial stereotypes.

10. White People Don’t Have Rhythm

This is probably one of the most enduring stereotypes in western society and the fodder for innumerable jokes. While the haltingly jerky motions of many Caucasians would seem to be indicative of a lack of rhythmic abilities, this affliction could be more the result of listening to bad music than the absence of physical capabilities. In fact, I’ve seen Dirty Dancing! Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey managed to do their thing (I’m talking about the dancing) with style and grace (which is to say plenty of rhythm). Realistically, white folks from the likes of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly to Madonna tend to put this particular stereotype in its proper perspective. Still, watching one’s uncle trying t

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