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Old 08-26-2010, 06:09 PM
bholas bholas is offline
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2. Mystique Games

Mystique is one of the first video game companies that attempted to use *** to sell games. In the early 1980s, Mystique developed many ****ographic video games for the Atari 2600. Some of the most popular were Custer’s Revenge, Bachelor Party, and Beat ‘Em & Eat ‘Em. These three games are known as some of the fist ****ographic video games. They were extremely controversial and contain many racial and ***ual stereotypes. The company Mystique went out of business during the video game crash of 1983, but many of their games have gathered a cult following over the years.

The most recognized Mystique game is Custer’s Revenge. In the game, the player controls a man with a cowboy hat named Custer, which is an obvious reference to General George Custer. Custer is naked and has to overcome many obstacles in order to have *** with a crudely depicted Native American woman. The woman is shown with large breasts and is tied to a post. Once the obstacles are completed, a visible erection appears on Custer and he continues to have *** with the tied up woman. Almost immediately the game received strong criticism from Native Americans and woman’s rights organizations. Many claim that it is a clear depiction of ****, while others pass it off as only a game. The Native American woman is given the name “Revenge” in the game. The booklet for Custer’s Revenge famously states “if the kids catch you and should ask, tell them Custer and the maiden are just dancing.”

Bachelor Party is a Mystique game that was loosely based on the 1984 comedy film starring Tom Hanks. Bachelor Party is a simplified version of the game Breakout. Breakout is one of the first video games ever made and is similar to pong. A large collection of bricks are situated on the top of the screen and the user has to bounce a ball and destroy all the bricks without letting the ball hit the bottom of the screen. However, in Bachelor Party the ball looks like a nude male body, while the bricks are females. The naked males also bounce from left to right, rather than up and down. The game is very simple and the goal is to let the bachelor have a final fling with a room full of nude women. A reversed version of the game does exist, it is named Bachelorette Party.

The dirtiest ****ographic game developed by Mystique is named Beat ‘Em & Eat ‘Em. The game was released in 1982 and originally was an extremely poor seller, but with the expansion of the Internet, the game has become a cult classic. However, similar to other Mystique games, Beat ‘Em & Eat ‘Em is regarded as one of the worst quality video games ever made. In this ****ographic game, the player controls a pair of nude women who move back and forth underneath a building. On top of the building a man with a large ***** is masturbating and the player’s objective is to maneuver the women so that they can catch the man’s semen, which is colored yellow before it hits the ground. To make things a bit worse, when the player is successful, the two women look at the screen and lick their lips. In the game, a score of 69 points and every 69-point interval receives a free guy. The gender reversed version of the game is called Philly Flasher and it includes two men who are trying to gather drops of breast milk lactated by a witch.
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