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Old 08-25-2010, 01:06 PM
bholas bholas is offline
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2. Forbes World’s Richest People List

This list includes the 500 wealthiest magnates and tycoons in the world, listed by continent and country, as well as lists like: ‘the world’s billionaires’, ‘comebacks,’ and ‘newcomers.’ Some names that frequent the apex of this elitist list are investor Warren Buffett, Mexican telephone tycoon Carlos Slim Helu, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. It is every aspiring business person’s dream to see his or her name gracing the pages of this issue. This issue attracts people that normally don’t subscribe to Forbes but are drawn into the freak power of seeing people that have salaries larger than the GDP of Zimbabwe. In the future, Forbes magazine might have to make the issue a few pages longer to incorporate the hundreds of zeroes it takes to describe the salaries of these rich and wealthy individuals.
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