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Old 08-21-2010, 07:16 AM
bholas bholas is offline
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4. Déjà Vu

Déjà vu is the strange sense that one is repeating an experience they’re certain they’ve never had before, or possessing an inexplicable knowledge of the layout of a building or city that one has never visited before. To some people, such experiences are considered evidence of a past life—an echo or ill-defined memory that has somehow survived the rebirthing process to be inadvertently triggered by some event in the present.

Science insists such experiences are simply a coincidental similarity between a present and a similar but forgotten past experience. No doubt, there is some validity to this idea, as it has been repeatedly proven that memory is a tricky affair that is capable of playing all kinds of pranks on the mind, but this explanation doesn’t seem to explain the sheer amount of detail that is sometimes recalled in the best cases of déjà vu.

Even a similarity of places or events cannot explain, for instance, how a person can correctly name and describe the maze of streets that lie just ahead in a small village they are visiting for the first time, nor does it seem to logically account for how a person can recall the precise layout of a home they had never visited before with unerring exactitude.

A similarity with places or things experienced in the past can go only so far; at some point the odds against correctly guessing the precise layout of a city or the location of various rooms within a sprawling mansion becomes astronomical, making reincarnation, in such cases, at least a possibility.

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