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Old 05-25-2019, 01:02 PM
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Default TOP 10 Reasons why Drinking Cold Water is Bad For You

Why Drinking Cold Water is Bad For You

If you sip chilled water from the fridge frequently, your health could suffer.


Image credit: Getty Images Drinking Cold Water

Gulping down chilled water from the fridge in summer may seem so tempting. After returning home from the heat outside, this might seem like the most logical thing to do. You may think that this makes your body cool down faster. But did you know that there are many health risks associated with drinking chilled water straight from the fridge?


Image credit: Getty Images Cold

The first obvious health hazard is that it can make your cold or cough worse. Cold is known to have some detrimental effects on the respiratory system.


Image credit: Getty Images Indigestion

When you mix cold water with warm or hot food, it can hamper with digestion too. This can actually lead to problems like indigestion, bloating and gas trouble.


Image credit: Getty Images Migraines

Cold water can also trigger migraine. If you already have a headache, drinking cold water may worsen your headache.


Image credit: Getty Images Warm Water Benefits

Several studies have found that drinking warm water has plenty of benefits like good digestion and relieving flu symptoms, headaches and promoting weight loss.

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