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Old 03-19-2019, 04:23 PM
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Default TOP 10 Tips for fatty liver Suffering from fatty liver disease? Strength training workouts may help

Strength training is normally associated with strong muscles, bones and an enhanced flexibility. All of it helps you to live better as you grow old. However, a recent study published in the Journal of Endocrinology suggests that it can also help patients with fatty liver disease while ensuring successful glucose regulation. During the study, researchers took note of the impact of strength training in obese mice. At the end of the study, it was found that strength training reduced fat deposition in their liver. The other impacts included better blood glucose regulation and reduced levels of inflammation markers the regarding liver fat accumulation, regulation of blood glucose along with markers of inflammation. However, there was no significant change in their overall body weight. The study authors also mentioned that equivalent amount of time spent on strength training by humans will not cause significant change in their body fat composition.

Another research conducted by the University of Hafia, Israel, included more than 80 patients diagnosed with fatty liver disease six months prior to the study. These patients were in the age group of 20 to 65. They were further divided into two groups: One group was asked to perform strength training exercises while the second group was asked to do only stretching workouts. During the study, researchers observed the weight and blood pressure of the participants and performed blood tests at regular intervals to check for liver enzymes, blood sugar and insulin levels. The results showed that those who practised strength training workouts had decreased amount of liver fat. Patients who performed strength training had their workouts adjusted to their ability. Their regimen included chest, leg and arm workouts.


When fat accumulates in your liver and impairs its ability to perform normally, it is called fatty liver disease. There are two types of this disease: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and Alcoholic fatty liver disease.

NAFLD: There are two types of NAFLD: Simple fatty liver, where the fat in your liver doesn’t lead to inflammation or damages your liver cells and Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis which is associated with inflammation and liver damage. The second type of NAFLD can further turn into fibrosis or scarring and even lead to liver cancer.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease: This type of fatty liver disease occurs due to heavy alcohol usage. It is an early stage of alcohol-based liver problems. The advanced stage can cause alcoholic hepatitis which impairs your liver’s ability to perform its important tasks: Protecting you against infections, cleaning your blood, aiding in digestion, storing energy.

Symptoms: There are usually no symptoms that can indicate fatty liver disease. However, you can experience pain in the upper right side of your stomach (where the liver is situated). In case your condition has reached an advanced stage, you may notice a swollen belly, red palm, jaundice and enlarged blood vessels under your skin.

Risk factors: Alcoholic fatty liver disease is more common in those who drink regularly. Obesity and malnutrition as well as long-term viral hepatitis can also lead to this condition. High blood pressure, elevated levels of bad cholesterol or LDL, insulin resistance and fat deposition around your belly are likely to increase your risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


A growing body of research and experts suggest that you can reduce the risk fatty liver disease and manage the condition better with the help of certain strength training exercises. Try these weigh training workouts for your legs, chest and arms for a healthy liver. However, consult with your doctor before hitting the gym. All these exercises should be performed under the guidance of a fitness trainer, at least initially.

Triceps pushdown

Triceps pushdown enhances your overall strength and endurance. ©Shutterstock

This is one the most basic weight training exercises where you pull weight with the help of your triceps. It boosts your overall strength and endurance as it involves your core, back and shoulders.

Barbell curl

Barbell curl helps you to lose weight by burning a lot of calories. ©Shutterstock

This exercise helps you to ward off some of the common risk factors behind NAFLD. It helps you burn a lot of calories and maintain a healthy body weight. It is pertinent to mention here that obesity is one of the leading risk factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Leg press

Leg press provides a strong skeletal system, essential for your bones as you age. ©Shutterstock

Leg press is one of the easiest strength training exercises, in which you are required to lift weight using your calf muscles. This exercise also provides a strong skeletal system which is essential for you as you grow old.

Leg extensions

Leg extension helps you shed body fat. ©Shutterstock

Leg extensions is another exercise which burns significant number of calories, helping you shed body fat. In this process, the fat levels of your liver may also drop. Moreover, it helps to bring down your risk of other obesity-related health risks.


Reduce body fat by perorming crunches at home. ©Shutterstock

To perform this resistance exercise, you don’t need any gym equipment or machine. You can perform it in the comfort of your home or outdoors (in a park maybe!) You need to lie down flat on your back and bend your knees by placing your feet on the ground and lift yourself up using your abdominal muscles. This exercise along with a healthy diet is one of the best ways to reduce fat.

Bench press

Bench press can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. ©Shutterstock

This is an exercise where you lie on a flat bench and lift a weight bar. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Family & Community Medicine showed that weight-bearing exercises can be helpful to tackle bone-related issues. People with fatty liver diseases are likely to develop osteoporosis at a later stage.

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