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Old 12-18-2009, 09:10 AM
bholus10 bholus10 is offline
Award Winner
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 10,043
6. Coordinate the ad colors to match your site colors.

Google adsense offers an array of colors that youcan use to display your ads. Choose the two main colors of your site and use those colors for your ad. Keep the URL link of the ad in blue since this is the link color that most viewers are use to. The idea is to blend your ads with your site content so as to invite more clicks.

7. Follow the adsense program policies to the letter.
Google keeps a close eye on how their ads are displayed and they will cancel you immediately if you break the rules. Google adsense is an excellent way to bring in some extra revenue so don't risk losing a good thing.

Placing Google adsense ads on your website has
to be one of the easiest ways to generate income with
your site. Signup is free and all you have to do is put the ads
on your site.

But easy does not always mean simple.

Google makes it easy to sign up, generate an ad and
put it on your site, however, it's not always so simple
designing your site for interest, finding high paying
keywords and placing your ads so that they attract
maximum clicks.

Here are a few surefire tips that will help draw interest to
your site and your ads while helping you get the clicks that
will make you money.

1. Build content rich sites
Content rich sites do several things for you. They keep
viewers on your site because you are providing information
of interest. It's also important to keep the information refreshed
periodically with up-to-date and current content. This is not only
useful for your viewers, the search engines like it as well.

Sites containing useful content will also help establish you as an
expert in your field allowing viewers to respect your opinions and
suggestions. But most importantly, good content will keep your
viewers coming back to your site. They will bookmark your site
more often and notify their friends a lot more.

2. Research and use higher paying keywords.
Develop site pages using topics that contain high paying keywords
while keeping the keywords relevant to your topic.

The Overture website has a free 'keywords bid tool' that is excellent
for showing you what advertisers are paying for keywords.

For example, using this tool I can see that the keyword
'pet medication' has a maximum bid of $1.51 while the keyword
'pet name' has a maximum bid of $.11.

If I were looking for informational
pages to add to my pet site, the clear choice here would be to develop a
page about pet medications and optimize that page for the keyword 'pet

3. Place your ads in the upper left hand quarter of your website.
Studies show that people almost always scan your site from the
top left working down. Placing a vertical skysc****r ad in that
section can help increase your click through rate from 2% to as
much as 30% or higher.

4. Don't use horizontal banners or ads.
Google recommends that you use vertical as opposed to horizontal
ads. Web surfers see lots of horizontal banners
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