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Old 11-28-2009, 07:02 AM
bholus10 bholus10 is offline
Award Winner
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 10,043
3. Ensure that your marketing materials tell prospects how to buy. Make it as easy as possible for your contact list to buy from you. If you're selling information products, make the "buy now" ****on readily apparent on your sales pages.

If you're selling a service, give your target market several options to contact you to buy your service -- by email, voice mail, instant message, etc.

4. Incorporate the "law of attraction" into your sales mentality. A sales mentality doesn't have to equate to slimy. I think one of the most attractive ways to sell yourself is by sharing your knowledge and expertise with your target market.

As a matter of fact, I'm often told that this is one of the reasons people seek me out to hire me -- I don't hide what I know and am willing to share freely, within reason, of course. I think of selling as helping my prospects solve their

problems, and my enthusiasm is evident as we start to brainstorm and dissect how to rid them of a particular problem. Let your enthusiasm for problem-solving serve as your attraction mechanism for new clients.

5. Show your prices. Many service business owners won't list their pricing or fee structure anywhere on marketing materials because they feel it's necessary to "sell" themselves on how wonderful they are via a 1:1 conversation before discussing money.

I don't really want to work that hard. I'd rather prospects come to me fully informed about all aspects of working with me.

Be open and transparent with your pricing -- don't make prospects jump through hoops to ascertain if they can afford to hire you. I use my fees as a screening device -- those who can't afford my rates won't call, and those who can afford the rate know exactly how much they will spend.

Consequently, when people call me to hire me, the first thing they say is, "When can we start working together?" Now, wouldn't you rather have that type of conversation with a prospect?
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