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Old 06-08-2009, 05:22 AM
Posts: n/a
unvey Gogia answers, Hi anup, Disaster manegement is a career that will have great potential in the futre but current ly there are very few places offering may need to study abroad.

A lot of you have asked about animation as a career option and I would like to say that it is one with great potential. Many colleges are offering courses after 12th. Though the trend to do vocational studies after school is increasing,

I would only reccomend this route if you are absolutely sure that animation is the career for you. The reason I say this that if you are unsure, doing a course after 12th will limit your options, later. As far as your niece is concerned...if you are unsure please do graduation before.

Kanchi asked, Hello Tunvey! Can you tell me is there an entrance exam for English honours in st. stephens? and i have secured 66% in non medical.What courses can I apply for in DU?

Tunvey Gogia answers, Yes as far as I remember there is an entrance exam for english as well as an inetrview. With science subjects you can apply for almost all the courses in DU but will have to take a beating on your percentage if you apply for non-science subjects. Look at someother options on the careerwise site as you may have trouble finding a course in DU with 66%

xx asked, My daughter shows interested in medicine and she is topper in the subjects. what is your advise for girls doing medicine.

Tunvey Gogia answers, Well my advise would be the same for boys and girls and that would be to choose a specialisation with care. The specialisation should be based on interest as well as the kind of lifestyle they want to emergency doctors, OBGYN, etc are on call 24/7 whereas some other areas offer a slightly easier work envirenment.

ravinder asked, hi tunvey pl tell me options after class 10th

Tunvey Gogia answers, Hi, there are many options. Do some research online to try and find out what you truly like.
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