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Old 10-05-2017, 11:22 AM
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Default Sharad Purnima Wishes: WhatsApp, Facebook Status, Messages, Quotes & Gif Photos

Sharad Purnima Wishes : WhatsApp, Facebook Status, Messages, Quotes & Gif Photos to Wish Happy Kojagiri Purnima Greetingss

Sharad Purnima Wishes: Whatsapp, Facbook Status, Messages, Quotes to Wish Happy Kojagiri Purnima Greetings

Happy Sharad Purnima ! Sharad Purnima or Kojagiri Purnima is a popular festival that marks the onset of the autumn season. This Hindu festival it falls on the full moon day in the Ashwin month; Sharad Purnima will be observed on October 5. It is also known as Kaumudi celebration. It is believed that on Sharad Purnima the moon comes out with all sixteen Kala and its rays have certain healing properties. On this day families get together and Goddess Lakshmi along with Moon. The Kojagiri Purnima puja is performed by newly wed women who also observe rigorous fast on this day. Women wear new clothes, prepare a special milk kheer made with cow milk, sugar and rice and place it under the open sky . They do this so that the offering absorbs the moonlight throughout the night and then it is consumed in the morning, which nourishes the body and the soul. The rice kheer fortified with moonlight is believed to have miraculous power and women consume this for health and prosperity.

This day brings together families who celebrate this day with a lot zeal and happiness. If you wish to celebrate this auspicious day by spreading messages of happiness and joy, we share with you some Sharad Purnima or Kojagiri Purnima Wishes, WhatsApp Status, Facebook Messages, SMS to share with your family, friends and loved ones.

1. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:
On the night of Full moon ie. Poornima ,
Goddess Laxmi will come and will ask you Kojagiri
and will give you blessings and property to you and your family.

2. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

Sharad Poornima Is The Day when Full Moon Comes To Bless Us,
The Time When Krishna Had Its Maha Raas Lila,
A Time Beautiful Fragrance
Of Love And Celebration.
May You And Your Family
Have A Happy Sharad Poornima

3. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

May On This Poornima Night
All The Blessings Of Moon Showers Upon You!
Happy Kojagiri Purnima

4. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

May today the blessing moon today make your mind peaceful,
May the the showers of happiness comes to you in the form of heavenly rays of moon Today..
Accept My Wishes of Sharad Poornima!

5. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

May Godess Laxmi Come To Your House,
And Ask You To Be Awake And Say “Kojagiri”
And This Kojagiri Purnima And Onwards..
You And Your Family…
Get More Prosperity, Peace And Wealth..
All By Virtue Of Maa Lakshmi.

6. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

Sharad Poornima is the day when full moon comes to bless us,
the time when Krishna had its Maha raas lila,
a time beautiful fragrance of love and celebration.
May you and your family have a Happy Sharad Poornima 2017!

7. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

May On This ****ima Night,
All The Blessings Of Moon Showers Upon You
Happy Kojagiri Purnima!

8. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/Whatsapp reads:

May the blessing moon today make your mind peaceful,
May the the showers of happiness comes to you in the form of heavenly rays of moon
Accept My Wishes of Kojagiri Poornima.

9. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/Whatsapp reads:

May on this Poornima night
all the blessings of Moon Showers Upon you!
Happy Kojagiri Purnima.

10. Kojagiri Purnima Wishes/WhatsApp reads:

May On This Poornima Night
All The Blessings Of Moon Showers Upon You!
Happy Kojagiri Purnima.

Happy Sharad Purnima! We wish this auspicious festival brings happiness and merriment to all of you, may Goddess Lakshmi bless with good fortune and happiness!

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