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Old 04-29-2011, 01:38 PM
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Royal wedding day timetable of events for next one month with Honeymoon plans

THE Lord Chamberlain’s office at Buckingham Palace has mapped out the day’s schedule with military precision after a series of run-throughs to ensure everything sits perfectly for the 11am start.

8.15AM TO 9.45AM: Most of the guests arrive. Members of Kate’s extended family and locals from her home village take their seats next to the couple’s friends from university and schooldays. Celebrity guests including David and Victoria Beckham, Sir Elton John, Ben Fogle and wife Marina mingle with crowds.
9.50AM: The next “tier” of guests including Prime Minister David Cameron and wife Samantha, Foreign Secretary William Hague and wife Ffion, Labour Leader Ed Miliband and fiancee Justine Thornton arrive. Politicians from all parties sit with leaders and foreign dignitaries who have gathered from Commonwealth countries.
10.15AM: William and his best man Prince Harry take their places at the front of the abbey.
10.20AM: Foreign royals start to file into the venue. These include Prince Felipe of Spain and his stunning wife Princess Letizia, the Sultan of Oman, the fabulously wealthy Sultan of Brunei, Prince Albert of Monaco with his South African-born fiancee Charlene Wittstock, and Sheikha Mozah of Qatar.
10.27AM: Kate’s mum Carole Middleton and her brother James are dropped off at the abbey.
10.30AM: Junior British royals such as Zara and Peter Phillips begin to take their seats.
10.40AM: Royals higher up the line of succession arrive. Prince Andrew takes his seat next to daughters Princess Beatrice and Eugenie, whose mum, Sarah Ferguson, has famously been snubbed. The proud parents of bridesmaid Lady Louise Windsor Prince Edward and wife Sophie – arrive with their three-year-old son Viscount Severn. They are closely followed by Princess Anne and her husband Timothy Laurence.
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    10.55AM: Bridesmaids and page boys, including Kate’s younger sister Pippa Middleton arrive.
    10.51AM: Kate and her father Michael Middleton leave Mayfair’s Goring Hotel with precisely nine minutes to get to the abbey.
    11AM: All eyes are on Kate as she arrives to walk down the aisle on the arm of her father to marry her prince. The service then begins and is played on loud speakers along the procession route.
    12.15PM: The service finishes. The couple leave the Abbey in the 1902 State Landau coach, escorted by the Household Cavalry for their canape reception with 650 guests at Buckingham Palace.
    1.25PM: The balcony kiss. Newly married Kate and William wave to their fans from the balcony at Buckingham Palace.
    1.30PM: Wedding guests and the London crowds stare skywards to watch a spectacular fly-past by the RAF performing a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.

Future Story here
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