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Old 04-23-2009, 08:43 PM
welcomewiki welcomewiki is offline
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Log-on Language

Global organizations operate in multiple countries with multiple languages. The issue associated with this is that if a user creates an object while he is logged on with for example German as the log-on language, then other users will not be able to see the object unless they log on in German too.
It is advisable to ask users to always log on in English - this way, you will have a common language across countries, it will help production support when receiving phone calls and you will have data consistency. You could ask users to always remember to create objects in both English and their native language but it is likely that they will forget.

In addition, if you have objects in more than one language, it is likely to cause you problems in other areas such as workflow and ESS. These custom applications usually look for the first language they can find and so you might end up having a user in the United States who receives a workflow email that contains the course name in German. The same issues arise with ESS. It is recommended to agree on the use of English as the log-on language to simplify things. This will also prevent you from having to translate all training materials into different languages and finding instructors that are both proficient in the language and in SAP T&E.
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