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Old 04-23-2009, 03:53 PM
welcomewiki welcomewiki is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
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  • By creating functional areas and assigning them to user groups, the system administrator determines the range of reports the end-users can access.
  • Four essential questions have to be answered before creating a functional area in order to determine the reporting requirements:

  • 1) Which logical database do we need data from? PNP – HR Master and time data, PCH – Personnel Development, PAP – Applicant Master data or other?
    Choose Database PNP if you want to create a functional area covering only Human Resources master data and/or time management data.
    Choose PCH if you want to create a functional area covering only Human Resources Planning data.
    Choose Database PCH, (since this database can refer to Database PNP) if you want to create a functional area covering Human Resources master data and following an organizational structure from Human Resources Planning.

    2) Which infotypes do we need to include in the functional area?
    PNP includes infotypes 0000 to 0999 and 2000 to 2999,
    PCH includes infotypes 1000 to 1999 and
    PAP includes infotypes 4000 – 4005 (as well as some PA infotypes)

    3) Is there any information we need that is not available in the logical database? If so, where is this information? This step might involve having to create additional fields – (e.g. to display the long text of the ethnic origin instead of the code only).

    4) What should the report selection criteria be? For example, employee subgroup, job, personnel subarea etc.
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