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welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:46 AM

SAP OM Interview Questions (From Top MNC Companies)
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ANS:1 It is pretty much advisable to upload the Org structure.. as per my experience you will may expect lot of problem if you trying to transport. You can use LSMW to upload the Org Objects.

1. File for all the Org Object (i.e., O, S, C)
2. Relation ships

2. Requirement for number ranges is as follows

$$S Positions- 20000000-29999999
$$O Org Units number range-10000000-19999999
$$C Jobs-30000000-39999999

Used the following process

I went to Number Ranges and
àBasic SettingsàOrganizational ManagementàPersonnel management created the following

I ticked the setting NUMRG COMP as X in T77S0.

If I goto PO10 and the number range is still coming as 50000000 instead of 10000000-19999999 for organizational unit. Kindly guide me?

ANS:1 check numkr feature.

NUMKR( Personnel Number) is for PA but I am facing problem at Om Level wherein I am not able to get the desired number range for Organizational Unit if I am trying to create a Organizational Unit.

ANS:2 Goto spro and check this link. Personnel Management->Organizational Management->Basic Settings->Maintaining Number Ranges....... for OM

ANS:3 here is full implementation step for number range in OM

For validity across plan versions

Organizational Management > Basic settings > Maintaining Number Ranges> Set Up Number Assignment for All Plan Versions

Table : V_T77S0SC ( T-code : SM30)

Organizational Management > Basic settings > Maintaining Number Ranges> Maintain Number range
Table : T77IV ( T-code : SM30)

Create new entries with $$X , where $$ indicates the plan version and X is Object type like O is the org unit .
after this Selecting the object (Org unit, Job, Position and task) click on number range ****on
This will take u to the Screen saying number range for pesonnel planning.
click on change Interval ****on
maintain the no ranges with the range u want keeping the current number range
0 while creating for the first time.
Its done

ANS:4 Its simple, Use OONR transaction, maintain the number ranges as per your need. Go to new entries, select your $$$$, first two dollar denotes the plan version and second two denotes the object id. Mention the ranges for your object.

3. I turned off Integration Switch for Organizational Assignment (Plogi Orga) by removing X, so its blank. Then I saved it to a transport. When configuration is transported and I begin testing, the hiring action pops up information message:

"Save link canceled in Organizational Management." When I click on question mark in message for details it states the following below. Any suggestions, greatly appreciate it.

Active integration to Organizational Management means that when a link to Organizational Management is created, it is saved automatically.
When saving organizational data, the data must be written to a transport request because, for example, the automatic transport recording is active. Without a correction request, the relevant changes in Organizational Management cannot be saved.

ANS:1 From what you say it is obvious that you are using Organizational objects to be saved in IT0001. If you don't want to use Org Management, then you need to create Organizational data only in PA tables and not use the data from HRP tables, else the error will repeat again.

Make sure to what extent you may want to use the Org data.

4. I have a requirement to import the organizational chart to portal. I am currently looking into using OrgPlus software which which communicates with HR-OM and displays a graphic structure of the organization.
Is there any othe ways to implement this requirements? I am just looking into different options. The only requirement is that it should be a graphic layout of the organizational structure.

ANS:1 We use the OrgPublisher, just in case, you haven't looked at it yet..

ANS:2 If you are more concerned on the look & feel of the organisation structure display in the portal (other than the normal SAP tree structure display), you can use either Orgplus or Orgpublisher. As far as Orgpublisher is concerned, you can download a trail version and try it before you decide on purchasing this software. As far as Orgplus is concerned, you do not have a facility of such trail downloads, but you have an authorised agency based at pune who will be able to demonstrate its performance.
If the SAP's standard structure is ok, then based on the relationship maintained in the Org. Structure in the back-end especially (A/B-012) which means the Head's position, then such head's position would be able to see all his subordinates in the tree structure format.I think this org structure display is available in Who's Who service of ESS where there's an option for viewing the org structure is available.

I am not able to get all the data from OM through OrgPlus. It picks up organizational units and positions but it does not pick the persons. Any idea how to do that?
I am passing in the following view id: OCIOFO

ANS:3 am not too sure about how this view id OCIOCFO will behave. But these views can be customised and you can create your own views. These views contain the evaluation paths that needs to fetch the values and a function module to display the selections. you can try the normal evaluation paths that we use like OOSP, ORGEH in the view.

5. We want to maintain (Create/Change/Delete) the Organizational structure
by BAPI. Make all the Staff assignments in the Organization Unit and its Positions.
In other words we want to use all the PPOME transaction actions, by BAPI or something else.
Can any one help us with suggestions ?


6. I want questionnaire in Organizational Management. i.e. If we have been to client's place, in which way we need to collect the information from the client?

ANS:1 U can pose all sorts of questions including
How many Org units, Positions, jobs, what kind of relationships, what evaluation paths to use, cost centers used and their assignment

how many departments, root org unit and all their assignments,
other modules involved, their integration with OM,etc...

ANS:2 You can have a look at their existing Org Structure first.
Then slowly you can understand the objects in SAP..Org Unit/the Job/ Position/Task etc.
Then you can think of what relationships you should create between these objects.
it will be easy to map it into SAP if you understand their existing structures..

7. Can anyone tell me about the importance of organizational key in Infotype 0001 and how does the feature VDSK1 works?

ANS:1 Org key is used for additional Authorization purpose to provide the access for the application. You can default the Org key using the feature VDSK1, so that it will default that digits while hiring or otherwise system automatically creates the value based on your PA & Co code.

Can you explain me how the feature VDSK1 works in detail through step by step manner in SPRO - Personnel Management - Personnel Administration - Organizational data - Organizational Assignment - set up organizational key?

i.e., we create validation, rules and key control and then default the feature for 10-13 characters.

ANS:2 VDSK1 is also used under authorization object P_ORGIN which plays an important role in granting/restricting access for users.

8. My Client Wants me to give an explanation on the below question please help me with this:

Why do we want to maintain(both simultaneously)?

Info type 1005(Planned compensation) in parallel to info type 0008
Info type 1013(Emp grp/Emp Sub grp) in parallel to info type 0001
Info type 1011(Work Schedule) in parallel to Info type 0007……….etc


ANS:1 Yes.. the PA Infotypes are maintained at the employee level while the PD(OM) infotype are at the Object (in this case it is the Position ) level.. the values maintained on the PD side will automatically get defaulted while maintaining the Employee Master data on the PA side, if the PA-PD integration is turned on.

ANS:2 The basic idea of maintaining attributes (like EG/ESG,PA/PSA ..) at Org objects level is to facilitate clean operation and structured way of handling things. Org structures by themselves contain lot of meaning to it and each of the objects in the structures are straight out of the real time entity in the organisation. So when you assign attributes to each of the objects, they attain a special meaning and a place in Org structure. These objects derive their meaning out of the attributes they carry. Finally when an Employee is linked to OM objects (via position), all these attributes gets defaulted to the employee. Normally you wouldn’t change this unless in rare situations. This helps in cleaner and secured data maintenance apart from the structural meaning it applies.

Infotypes 1005 contain Planned compensation information for a Job and through the Job assigned to an Employee (0001), his eligible compensation information to IT8 may be derived;
Infotypes 1013 contain EG/ESG for a Position. When a Employee is assigned a Position in 00/01, The EG/ESG attributes along with other attributes are defaulted to IT0001.
Similarly Work schedule is maintained for a Org unit, so based on Org unit in IT0001, work schedules for the employee may be defaulted /validated in IT07;

1)Do we first create (say 1008(Account Assignment) ,1013) before creating the Personal administration info types.

2) Once if we create OM info types will they get automatically updated(PA Info types) or we have to create PA info types with respect to OM.

Can you please explain me how it Works

3) Are there any special reports to compare the OM and PA info types.

ANS:3 The integration between PD and PA is controlled in table T77S0. Check out the ‘PLOGI’ switch there. Specially the PLOGI / ORGA switch to ensure integration is switched on if this is what the client wants.

To find out if there are inconsistencies between PD and PA you can run the following programs via SE38 / SA38 : RHINTE20 and RHINTE30 (in test mode !!!!!! first) The report will show exactly where the inconsistencies are.

Crucial data like cost centers MUST go into PD first otherwise it will not pull through on the employee’s infotype 0001. If the start date of the cost centre link to the position (or org unit) differs from the start date of the infotype 0001 record, you need to either manually copy up the infotype 0001 record to get the cost centre to pull through OR run the RHINTE programs. Otherwise you are going to be clueless on why the cost centre is not reflecting in PA whilst it has been assigned (IT1001) in PD.

Like all the other guys are telling you here: No data in PD means nothing to default into PA. Simple as that. So stick as much verified, clean data as you've got into PD first.

9. I am going to client's place on Organizational Management implementation. When i face client, which sort of questions i need to ask?

ANS:1 1. First ask for the list of Depts they have.
2. Ask for Positions.
3.Then Assignment of the Orgunits to the orgunits.
4.Then Assignment of Positions to Org unit.
5.Now ask With which entity(Org unit or POsition) the Cost center is assigned (This is very imp).
6.Then ask whether they have PA module implemented before of will be implemented(this will decide the integration with PA)
If they had already implemented PA then U have to use reports to flow data from OM to PA.If not implemented then U have to activate the integration switch.
7.Then get the relationship between Positions and Employees.

10. I am working on 6.0. The company has decided to implement only Organizational Management, Time management and Training and Event Management modules. Can any one please tell me if its possible to do this without implementing personnel management??? And how would it be useful???

ANS:1 Assuming that for instance a name and a prename are considered as "Personnel Management" (or personnel administration PA) data, the use of only organizational management OMwill quite limit the advantages.

You could use OM to maintain the organizational chart, but without names on it... might be a bit boring.

But if you use Personnel Time Management PT and Training and Event Management TEM, I assume, that you use PA as well. Or how should this work if you are not able to assign the reported time to one person's ID?

there is any other way??? Or if there is any other way of uploading emp master data?

ANS:2 In brief: use PA.

If you want to store employee personnel data (like names and so on), then you will need the infotypes from personnel administration PA. Of course you could do it by creating customer specific tables (but with this solution you just create an easy version of what SAP already provides; meaning a lot of effort that is already covered if you use PA).

ANS:3 This can be possible, but if you are going to implement also times and event, you should need PA. If you don´t have PA, you wont have times or event.

For Times and Events, is requierement PA and OM.

ANS:4 As long as u dont process any employees in SAP, PA module may be left... But if u want to process an emp u should hav hired him and that happens in PA...

so check the pros & cons and then go for implementing

11. Can anybody provide me documentation on how to add few more infotypes to the detailed area in PPOME. Like we have basi data,cost assignment, etcc....... I want to add other infotypes too like 1008, 1005 etc.. how would i do that....

ANS: use transaction spro (IMG) path

[Personnel Management][Organizational Management][Hierarchy Framework][Intergrate New Inftype]

12. How can one know if a position is vacant or occupied in a company?

ANS:1 You can check it in PO13-Relationships or by PPOME. If you are try to get it by code using Evaluation Path A-008 (Holder)

ANS:2 check 1007 infotype in expet mode which is vacancy infotype

ANS:3 From Organization point of view, the HR core team members of the client side will tell you the no of sanctioned positions in a deptt. of a company, they will also tell you those positions which are occupied, this you will get when u'll b uploading the employee master data. Now those positions which are not occupied are vacant positions.

In SAP Goto TCode PP01 -> select object type as position, select an object ID as the position no. that u've created. then go to vacancy Infotype ther you can get the validity period and status of that position.

ANS:4 You can chek by TCode: PP01 ( Maintain Object )
1. Run Tcode PP01.
2. Select Plan Version ( 01)
3. Select Object Type S - > Position
4. Insert the position
5. Choose Vacancy and Display it.

ANS:5 PO13, Vacancy infotype, display.....

13. I am trying to reassign people from one company code to another for personal sub area change in infotype 0 in pa30. It will allow me to move a person from company code 100 to 200 but wont let me move a person from 200 to 300, any ideas on how to resolve this.

ANS:1 First, run the Org Reassignment through PA40, it will get you to the sequence of Infotypes needed to change.

May be Company Code 300, belongs to some other Cost Center or Controlling Area or out of box. Check all the configuration.

since company codes are changing, there cost centers are also changing accordingly( or so it is here! ) . They are both in the same controlling area. But when i seem to move them to company code 300, it tells me organizational reassignment not permitted.

ANS:2 Try using PA40. If you face the same problem. Go to Img part of Personal Action in PA. There see, whether you have checked the Check Box for this action Org Reassignment.

14. I had transported my org structure from my Golden Masters to the Production Server.After this, I created positions in OM using PO13. Then, I assigned positions to the employees by running an LSMW using a customised action "Organizational Re-assignment" which modifies IT0001 and inserts positions already created in OM.

But, now when I use transaction PPOME, the position holders are not visible in the org structure.

Could any of you please help me out so that the position holders in PA are reflected in OM (TCODE:PPOME) also.

ANS:1 1.Just check if you have created relationship...between Objects.
2.PLOGI-ORGA switch in T77S0
3.Run RHINTE00, RHINTE10, RHINTE30 Reports...

ANS:2 Kindly please recheck the Integrations settings includes Tables T777D,T777ID.,
also the Feature is activated, and along with the other steps like org reassignment, integration with PA, and the rest.

ANS:3 you run, the report integration between PA and OM... i think its RHINTE00. During batch uploading, creation of relationship will not take place.

15. What are the different ways to acheive OM to PA integration.? Where can I get the docs/ help for the same?

ANS:1 T70SO, there u find the plogi and activate it
and another way is

ANS:2 GO to table V_T77S0SC and activate Switch is to set PLOGI ORGA --X

For your information:-
Set up Integration with Personnel Administration In this step, you activate integration between Organizational Management and HR Master Data in Personnel Administration. This guarantees data consistency between the two components.
A person is to be transferred from the position "Controlling administrator" to the position "Manager of controlling". As soon as this transfer has taken place in Organizational Management, the corresponding changes are made in the "Organizational assignment" infotype (0001) in Personnel Administration.
A person can also be transferred between positions in Personnel Administration using the personnel action "Organizational Change". The relevant changes will then be made in Organizational Management.

Using the entry "PLOGI PLOGI", you specify the active plan version that is to be the integrated plan version for Organizational Management, Personnel Development, Personnel Cost Planning, Shift Planning and Training and
Event Management.

The entry has the function of a main switch:
If this entry has the value ' ' (switch "off"), integration is switched off. If a plan version is determined using the switch, integration in this plan version is active for all persons who correspond to the feature "PLOGI" (see below). The entry "PLOGI ORGA" must contain an 'X'. This activates integration between Organizational Management and Personnel Administration via infotype 0001 ("Organizational Assignment").

Activating integration has the following effects:
Changes to Organizational Management objects (organizational unit, job, position, cost center) relevant to integration are transferred to Personnel Administration
Changes to the organizational assignment of employees (infotype 0001) are transferred from Personnel Administration to Organizational Management.

Activating integration:
The sequence in which you carry out preparations for activating integration depends on which one of the following is true of your enterprise:

You have Personnel Administration set up and want to install Organizational Management for the first time.
You have Organizational Management set up and want to install Personnel Administration for the first time.
You want to install both applications for the first time.
In all three cases, you must ensure that Personnel Administration (infotype 0001) and Organizational Management (organizational assignment of employees) contain consistent data.

If the master data regarding the organizational assignment of the person is available in infotype 0001 (organizational unit, job, position and cost center), you must start report RHINTE00.
If Organizational Management data is available, start report RHINTE10.
This will create the relevant information in the Personnel Administration tables.

If the organizational assignment (position and organizational unit of a person) is also to be transferred from Organizational Management into infotype 0001 in Personnel Administration, you also have to start report RHINTE30.
If you are installing both applications and integration is active, you can only maintain the organizational assignment (infotype 0001) of a person in Personnel Administration using an action. Alternatively, you can assign persons to positions in Organizational Management.

It is recommend that you always make organizational changes using an action in Personnel Administration as by doing this, you will also be able to adjust information on working time and salary for this person. You can build up one of the databases for the two components first without active integration and then proceed as described above. In all three cases, report RHINTE20 can correct any inconsistencies that may occur.

ANS:3 follow the steps in IMG, in OM, Integration Node

Set up Integration with Personnel Administration
Transfer Data from Personnel Administration
Prepare Integration with Personnel Administration
Transfer Data to Personnel Administration
Check Integration Consistency

16. How to maintain infotypes directly in ORG management. These infotypes when i try to maintain in pa30, they say it is not possible. Suppose what if i want to key in some data manually in OM?

ANS:1 transaction -PP02 and PP03.

ANS:2 u cannot access OM infotypes in PA30. u have use tcodes for position , job, org unit etc.

ANS:3 Info types 0000 to 0999 for personnel master data, and certain applicant data.
Info types 1000 to 1999 for Human resources planning data.
Info types 2000 to 2999 for time management data.
Info types 4000 to 4999 for applicant –only data.
Info types 9000 to 9999 are reserves for customers.

U cannot access OM ifnotype in PA or vice versa..

ANS:3 You can Maintain OM infotypes (Object wise) with following Tcodes

PP01 - General (menu-guided)
PP02 - General (open)
PFCT - Task Catalog
PO01 - Work center
PO13 - Position
PO03 - Job
PO10 - Organizational Unit

17. when a manager has 2 positions, it doesn't seems that the manager is caught for both org units. he has 2 positions, 50% each.

eg: when we run variant INDIA in HP1-001. the manager for org unit IT_PLM is blank, but is in reality Chrisanth Jebakumar with pernr 2000031.
when run the report with variant IO INDIA, which is org unit IT_IO_0000IN, he is in the output correctly.
how to output the two positions correctly for all org units they are managing.

ANS; There is one position that is considered primary position. It will also appear on the IT 0001 for the person. The rest are considered secondary and exist as relationship on the OM side.

If the person is a chief of an org unit, then it might be possible to assign the person to one position but make him/her a chief of multiple organizational units.

18. How to maintain the number ranges for organizational units?

ANS:1 Maintain in SPRO or use OONR.

ANS:2 Enter TC: OONR
Create a SubGroup as 01O O for Orgunit OR my be 01S for Position
after creating subgroup 01O for Orgunits Click on the ****on "Number Range Maintenance"
Click on the ****on with a Change Status
Define your number ranges as Internal or External

19. Can some one please explain what are Personal Actions in Organizational Management, how are they useful, how are they configured in SAP.

ANS:1 These just like actions in personnel administration

Personnel Management > Organization management >Basic setting >maintain Personnel Actions
Here you can to create new objects like position, work centre etc

ANS:2 In this step, you make the system settings necessary for setting up a personnel action.

A personnel action is a collection of several logically connected infotypes in the system which, in an exact sequence, is used for processing and is used for a particular system activity (see "Create Organizational Unit", for example).

Personnel actions are identified by a key.
You assign the following to each step of a personnel action:
a plan version
an object type
an infotype or subtype
a status
default values for screen entry

You also control, which Function codes are used by an infotype (within a personnel action).

In a transaction controlled by a personnel action (PQ**) , you must determine the object types for which the action is to be executed. For each transaction related to an object type and controlled by a personnel action, specify which default personnel action(PQ**M) is to be processed by the corresponding transaction.
For each default personnel action within a transaction controlled by personnel actions, you can access a Process description.
Personnel action "Create organizational unit":
Personnel action Plan ver. ObjType Infotype Subtype FCode VarField
O ** O 1000 INSE
O ** O 1002 0001 INSE
O ** O 1003 INSE
O ** O 1001 A011 INSE K

The personnel action "Create organizational unit" includes the following steps:

Creating the "Object" infotype (1000)
Creating the "Description" infotype (1002) with the "General Description" subtype (0001)
Creating the "Department/Staff" infotype (1003)
Creating the "Relationship" infotype (1001) with the "Cost Center Assignment" subtype (A011) for object type "K" (Cost Center).


1. Create the required personnel actions.
2. For each personnel action, determine the following:
Corresponding object type
Required infotypes and subtypes
Function code (INSERT, COPY)
The plan versions for which the personnel action is to be valid
The planning status in which the objects are to be created.

Entering default values is optional.
3. Enter the object type that is to be processed as well as the key of the personnel action for the transaction to be controlled by a personnel action.
Further notes

Ensure that you arrange infotypes in a logical order when defining a personnel action. The "Object" infotype must always be processed first and must have line number "001".
A personnel action may only be defined for one object type.
You can create three-digit personnel actions between "001" and "999".

As like in Personal Administration to run Personal Actions we use the T Code PA40, in the same way what is the T Coded in OM to run the Personal action which we had configured as above.


20. Does any one enlighten on ASPECTS IN OM

ANS:1 Aspects enable you to control which plan versions, object types and infotypes are relevant, and thus offered for editing in the maintenance transactions.

ANS:2 Aspects are maintained in table T77OA, for OM, the aspect is 0001.

ANS:3 OM mainly comprise of creating a org structure using various modes like Organizing & staffing, Expert Mode, Simple Maintenance etc....... In the organisation structure we create Objects like Org.Unit, positions, and assigning a person to position etc...

Then important thing in OM is the relationship table which tells about the relationship like Active,Passive relationships( Eg. B supervises A & reports to B ).

Object type are maintained in OM to group infotypes under each object.

Then we maintain integration in the integration table T77S0 between OM & PA. In addition to that we have programs to intergrate.
Plan versions are used to simulate new things without disturbing the existing system.

how to do the integration in table t77s0 (pa, om integration)

ANS:4 go to sm30 or sm31 give the table name t77s0 and there see related to plogi textc,texs,evcre these are will be there with combination plogi for ex plogi textc and the value you can give just press F1 in the corresponding value abbreviation field and give the value and save it the integration will be active

ANS:5 Aspects of OM are mainly Creation of Organization structure through Expert Mode or Simple Maintenance, which comprises of Objects like Units, Departments, Jobs, Positions, Persons, Work Centre, Cost Centre, Infotypes, Reporting Structure, Account Assignment.

And as well as Integration between all Sub modules of HR like PA, Recruitment, Payroll, Time Management, Personnel Development, & Training & Event Management.

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:46 AM

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ANS:2 To create a custom infotype for OM
1. create a structure with prefix HRIxxxx in se11 tx.
2. use this structure in tx/table. T777I
3. In OM based on each object the t.code will differ to enter the values into the infotype

ANS:3 To create a Infotype in OM use the transaction code PPCM.

It is very similar to PM01 which is used to create custom infotype for PA.

ANS:4 First create a HRI9nnn structure in se11 , then got to tcode PPCJ enter the number 9nnn, give description selcet field infotype & then click on Create your OM infotype would be created

ANS:5 You can do it by using PPCM and have to link it to any object t777i.


USE 9000-9999 for new infotype

Table T777I describes the attributes of the OM Infotype

You can maintain T777I here
PM > OM >Basic Setting>DATA model enhancement>infotype maintenance> Maintain Infotype

ANS: 7
Steps to create a HR Infotype:
1) Go to Transaction PM01.
2) Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create (Should be a 4 digit number, start with 9).
3) Select the 'Employee Infotype' radio ****on.
4) Select the 'PS Structure Infotype'.
5) Click on Create... A separate table maintenance window appears...
6) Create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the Infotype
7) Save and Activate the PS structure
8) Go back to the initial screen of PM01.
9) Click on 'All' push ****on. It takes a few moments.
10) Click on 'Technical Characteristics'. Infotype list screen appears
11) Click on 'Change'(pencil) ****on
12) Select your Infotype and click on 'Detail' (magnifying glass) ****on
13) Give 'T591A' as subtype table
14) Give 'T591S' as subtype txt tab
15) Give your subtype field as subtype field
16) Save and come back to PM01 initial screen
17) Click on 'Infotype Characteristics' ... Infotype list screen appears
18) Click on 'Change' (pencil) ****on
19) Click on 'New Entries'
20) Enter your Infotype number and short text
21) Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotype's infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference to fill yours)
22) Save your entries.
23) Now the Infotype is created and ready to use.
24) If you want to change the layout of the Infotype as per your requirement...
25) In the PM01 initial screen...Select 'Screen' radio ****on and give 2000 as the screen name, then click on edit.
26) In the next screen.. Select 'Layout Editor' and click 'Change'.
27) Screen default layout you can design/modify the screen..change the attributes of the fields..etc.
28) Save and activate. (Don't forget to 'Activate at every level)

Another way of creating the infotype with screen shots:
Creating a New Infotype

Step 1
Execute transaction PM01 (If you get a message saying the infotype can not be enhanced,
try transaction PPCI).

Step 2
Select create IT tab and enter new infotype number into selection box.

Step 3
Press the create ‘ALL’ ****on (left of infotype no.). You will get a dialog box asking to confirm,
press the create ****on.

Step 4
You will now be presented with the standard structure creation screen (SE11) where you need to
enter the fields of the new infotype. I have entered some examples but you can put anything in

Step 5
Once you have entered the fields press save and then activate, before pressing the back ****on.
You will now be presented with the following screen, where you will need to make a new entry
or your created infotype (i.e. 9010).

Step 6
The next step is to fill in the infotype attributes, these will initially be blank and you will need to
fill them in similar to the following, depending on your requirements. Then press save.

Step 7
Your infotype is now created and can be accessed and populated in the usual way using
i.e. using transactions such as PA20 and PA30.

Step 8
If you look at the structure of your new infotype in transaction ‘SE11’ it will look similar to the

22. i have made a custom org management infotype (name starting with 9).
Can i use any standard function module to read it.Like we have HR_read_infotype to read pa infotype we have any standard function module to read custom om infotype...

ANS:1 If you have created the infotype using the standard SAP tools ( Transaction PPCI for OM infotypes) you should be able to use all standard function modules/class methods etc.


23. In OM, I need to put a validation while creating Positions in an Organizational unit.
I would like to know if there is any user exit for transaction PP01 while creating objects or relationships or else any suggestion as how can this be achieved.

ANS:1 yes there are user exits existing for pp01 .

these are the only two exits for pp01

ANS:2 perhaps you could also use one of the following BAdIs:

You could check this with transactions SE18/SE19.

My work is done using the BAdi HRBAS00INFTY

24. I created the OM Structure and now i want to integrate OM to PA and i know that we integrate these with help of PLOGI, but i dont know to configure PLOGI and where it is in IMG or in End user screen. and currently iam working on version 6, in this version the integration between PA and OM will take place default or we need to do it manually as we need to do it in 4.7

ANS:1 You can use tran code OOPS.
In IMG go to Personnel Management>Orga. Management>Integration>Integration with Personnel Administration>Set up Integration with Personnel Administration.

In choose Activity you can go to Basic Settings. And check entry PLOGI ORGA X
if the value is not X than change it to X. For integration between OM and PA this value should be X.

ANS:2 PLOGI ORGA with value 'X'.

ANS:3 The integration can run in both ways.
There is a switch in table T77S0, PLOGI - PRELU that can be set to one of these values:

BTCI - The system writes changes made in OM module in a table (HRINTE30). These entries can be evaluated in off-line mode by executing report RHINTE30, which reads the table and creates a Batch-Input session to update Infotype 0001 accordingly.

BLANK or '0' - Changes made in OM module are transferred directly (on-line mode) between OM and PA Infotype 0001.

Otherwise, using an event in PA module transfer changes to OM always in online mode.

In IMG go to Personnel Management>Orga. Management>Integration>Integration with Personnel Administration>Set up Integration with Personnel Administration

25. In OM what should be the criteria for designing the Reporting structure? I mean what it should be based upon, like whether it should be based on Appraisals, Leave management or the normal workflow which is followed in the office?

ANS:1 it is always advised to follow the normal work flow followed in the office.
i believe leave management is also done in the same reporting level as the normal process in the office. same case with the appraisal but appraisal depends upon the kind of process u r following.

ANS:2 The Workflow follows the settings that are made at the OM level , and its common for all the Services.
26. how to load diary by a program the organizational structure, the organizational structure
changes all the days. Exist functions or BADI to load the organizational structure?

ANS:1 you could use ALE/IDOC.
Please have a look transaction SALE.

ANS:2 If you have the list of changes in Org Structure in Excel or Text Format you can create an LSMW for the same using which you can upload the relationships for the Org Units and Positions.It is advisable to use tcode PP02.

ANS:3 check report program - RHALTD00 (and see its documentation also)..
if it doesnt work then u should go for LSMW or SCAT instead of BDCs.

ANS:4 You can upload the Org. Structure using 'OODT - Legacy Data Transfer' transaction. For that you need to have this structure in sequential file.

Use 'OOMV - Create Sequential file ' to create sequential file,Download it to presentation server, update the Org. structure, upload it to Application server using transaction and run the 'OODT' using this file.

To download and upload the sequential file use transaction 'CACS_FILE_COPY'.
By seeing this, it may look complicated. But take Technical person help to manipulate sequential file.

27. My Dev Server is 200.
Golden Client is 200.
210 for testing.

Now, I shall do all configurations in 200 and transport it in 210. My doubt is, if i create the organizational structure in 200, can it be transported or uploaded in to 210 or I'll have to create that again.

ANS:1 When ever you do any configurations in Golden Master a request is to be generated and then it is transported to your Live & Testing Systems connected in the landscape.
So you don't have to again create the Org Structure in Testing or Live system.

I understand, that I can transport my configurations in Gloden client to testing through SCC1. My doubt is , whether it is possible to transport Organizational Structure, Units and all created in Simple maintenance. Because, no request is generated while creating Org. Units.

ANS:2 I understand , that org structure is a part of master data maintenance(Not of employee but of the Organization). its always suggested to create and edit master data in the respective clients without using the facility of Transport request.

Anyways, you can enable the Transport request with the help of Basis. Contact your basis team and ask them to enable the option of transport request when editing the Org Structure.
This will help you in transporting without creating the org structure again.

28. Wanted to find out the process how i can manage global implementation with multi country implementation in PA and OM. What should i do in PA and how about the structure in OM?

ANS:1 Maintain CPID for the employees. Maintain active and paying pernr's.

ANS:2 CPID means Central Person ID. This is maintained in table HRP1001. This is done for employee who have multiple pernr's. This are one of the basics in OM module.

29. do we have any specific reports in Organizational Management for newly created Org Units, Positions, Jobs on a yearly basis?

ANS:1 RHXEXI00 --> Existing Organizational Units
RHXSTR01--> Organizational Structure with Positions
RHXSTR02 --> Organizational Structure with Persons
RHXEXI02 --> Existing Jobs
RHXEXI03 --> Existing Positions

ANS:2 Check in SAP Easy Access menu as below
Information Systems->Human Resources->Reports->Organizational Management

30. The scenario is a position already occupied by an EE, when assigned to another EE at the time of hiring is accepted by the system and quite possible as position can be occupied by one or more persons.
But the requirement is to restrict one position to one person, is it possible through standard approach?

The following are the settings in T77ZR, S 1001 B007 C 2
Changed the TC to 0 & 1, still didn't work. Weighting % is 100 for the position.

ANS:1 this u can restrict in table t77va
where the relation ship characteristics are maintained take the relationship A008 and for the take the characteristic 100% keep it as E which stands for error.

Even after changing the value to E, still when i hire with a position already occupied by X, it still allows!

ANS:2 which relation have u taken is it A008 or B008

It's B008 and could not see A008.Is there any switch which restricts new hire with the active and occupied position?

ANS:3 add A008 and keep 100% as E

ANS:4 Check whether you have checked the Relationship Percentage in Additional data on Relationship Screen.

The relationship is ticked. Is it possible to make one person per position?
ANS:5 You can restrict up to 100%, but if any person holding less than 100% again he can assign it to some other position for the remaining.

but the current holder occupies 100%, still how can the position be occupied by another hire?
ANS:6 Yes it right current holder occupied 100% but still the other person can occupy that position, occupying percentage will change.

Does RHINTE00 help? Checked OSS as well, still of no use!

ANS:7 is your scenario is one position should not b occupied by more than one holder.
if this is right. go to the relationship characteristics take 0008 details it will generally show only b008 with 100%
you add a008 by taking new entries under the field 100% give E
and then save and try giving more than one holder to a position it should throw you the error.
i have done this and it is working fine.

I followed the path, still in PA40, when i assign the active/occupied positon, it still allows the next hire to occupy the same position. It is quite possible that any number of hires can hold the same position, but here, we would like to restrict that one position per EE.
What error does it throw in PA40, when you hire the occupied position.

The previous hire should have 0007 in order to compute the staffing %, any more inputs?

ANS:8 it does throw the same error as it throws when u r giving one person to two positions.staffing percentage is more than 100%

ANS:9 one thing you can do is in Exit/Badi (in PAI ) you can check wether that position is occupied by somebody if it is then throw an error so it wont allow the new hire to occupy same position.

ANS:10 this can be done in two ways (original qs).

1. View T77VA, go to time constraints. Select S A008 and set time constraint 2. this will prevent you from assigning a second person to the position (irrespective of the employment percentage).

2. Sam view, T77VA, Select the record : 008 Holder Go to Relationship Characteristics. there might be an existing record B 008. Create a new one (copy) A008 and put E in the 100% check column

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:46 AM

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Also how to integrate OM and TEM.

2)Is it possible tat PA can be implemented without OM?

3)What are dynamic actions in PA

ANS:1 1. To do that, you need to activate the integration switch PLOGI ORGA in table T77S0.

2. Yes, ofcourse you can implement PA without OM. But, to get the full benefit of SAP, we always insist to implement both the modules.

3. Dynamic Actions are automatically triggered by the system, if some condition met. For Ex: If you enter marital status as married in IT 0002, system automatically triggers the IT 0021 and subtype Spouse to maintain the data.

ANS:2 The integration switch is PLOGI ORGA in table T77S0.
You can implement PA without OM.
Dynamic Actions (table T558Z) are automatically triggered when desired conditions are met.

ANS:3 1. Integration of OM and PA can be done through PLOGI ORGA., This can be done in implementation screen. GO to -> PM ->OM -> Integration -> SET UP integration with PA
2. Yes PA can be implemented without OM
3. Dynamic Actions are automatically triggered by the system. Ex: when u r hiring an employee in transaction PA30 as soon as u enter details and save 0000, it will automatically pop to second screen 0001., this is because of dynamic actions.

32. Is there a way to restrict authorization in OM objects at the level of id's? I mean, i have a position and I have other objet X to make a relation (it HRP1001), but i want some users only to be able to make the relation between objet X id from 1 to 10 and other to make the relation with id 11 to 20...
Is that possible? Maybe with the p_orgin authorization, how to configure it..

ANS:1 Use Tcode SU21, & then double-click on HR(Human resource), here you will find all objects related to HR.

PLOG object is used to restrict authorization in OM objects. Click on this object, there is ****on 'Display object Documentation', which will help you to configure it or take BASIS help to configure this object.

which authorization field can I use to retrieve the ID of the object?

ANS:2 you may combine your authorization with structural authorization. Maintenance of a certain infotype you can define it in the normal authorization while with org unit you can use the structural authorization. TCODE are OOSP and OOSB

Maintain those transactions is a task for HR functionals or for the security guys?

ANS:3 it depends on your organization but in SAP perce its under the task of the security guys. It just so happen that i also do maintain the authorization in our organization

33. What is the tcode to maintain the positions and to view all the positions...


Special for positions use: S_AHR_61016502.

ANS:2 Use Transaction PO13 to maintain, create and view positions.
You can also use PP01, But PO13 is only intended for positions however PP01 is a generic one.

ANS:3 Different from regular Tcodes use Tcode PSOS to view all position in one screen, after entering the Tcode PSOS, choose "Existing Positions" (else choose as per your requirement) form the window displayed...! then you can find all existing positions in the system available.

ANS:4 u can maintain positions using PPOCE, P013, PP01, PP03, PPOC_OLD.
and using PSOS u can view all the positions and its reporting structures, position description and some features.

34. to know which organizational Unit is managed by which position i.e. which is the chief position in particular Organizational unit. In which table i can get this relation ship.

ANS:1 check 1001 infotype for that particular org unit...

ANS:2 Go to HRP1001 table select the OTYPE as O and relationship 012

Or use this tcode S_AHR_61016532
To get org units with Chief Positions, execute this report with selection criteria.
Infotype: 1001, Subtype: B012

standard reports are available in easy access

Existing Organizational Units (Report RHXEXI00)
Staff Functions for Organizational Units (Report RHXSTAB0)
Organizational Structure with Persons (Report RHXSTR02)
Organizational Structure with Work Centers (Report RHXSTR02)
Existing Jobs (Report RHXEXI02)
Job Index (Report RHSTEL00)
Job Description (Report RHXDESC0)
Complete Job Description (Report RHXSCRP0)
Periods for Unoccupied Positions (Report RHFILLPOS)
Existing Positions (Report RHXEXI03)
Staff Assignments (Report RHSBES00)
Position Description (Report RHXDESC1)
Staff Functions for Positions (Report RHXSTAB1)
Authorities and Resources (Report RHXHFMT0)
Planned Labor Costs (Report RHSOLO00/RHXSOLO00)
Vacant Positions (Report RHVOPOS0)
Obsolete Positions (Report RHVOPOS1)
Complete Position Description (Report RHXSCRP1)
Reporting Structure without Persons (Report RHSTR05)
Reporting Structure with Persons (Report RHSTR04)
Existing Work Centers (Report RHXEXI05)
Work Centers per Organizational Unit (Report RHXSTRU06)
Existing Tasks (Report RHXEXI04)
Activity Profile of Positions (Report RHXSTR07)
Activity Profile of Positions with Persons (Report RHXSTR08)
Existing Objects (Report RHEXIST0)
Structure Display/Maintenance (RHSTRU00)
Reporting on an Infotype (Report RHINFAW0)
Starting an HR Report (Report RHPNPSUB)

35. We changed the position name in Production Server, Saved and Exit. Then when we go to PA30 and 0001, the position name is the samem but in OM it is changed.. It hasnt changed yet and it is not changing. I tried all the integration aspects t770s. Then run every possible report rhinteXX. Still i dont see the 0001 position text changed.

ANS:1 Which rhinteXX did you run??

If its Rhinte00 did u run the session created in transaction SM35 .... please note that the session created with the name of your SAP UserID (default session name) needs to be executed in SM35 onlt then the changes takes place.

ANS:2 Check in the table V_528B_C, whether the same positions are available or not.
For position text check the table V_T528T.

I have checked the table, run rhinte 00, checked the dates. But still it doesn’t change.

ANS: 3 I checked in DEV. I changed the Position Description/short text. Again run the transaction PA30, checked the PERNR and position description/short text was changed.

When i do it, it doesnt work until i put the start date much previous to the current date. Then i can see it in 0001 position text. but let me know wht date ur starting the change. Are u making any date changes or just changing it?

ANS:4 I am just changing the description only... No date modification...Changing date is not allowed as it's disabled for CHANGE operation in PP01/PP02..

I have got BEGDA = 1900/01/01 ENDDA = 9999/12/31, I can see the change immediately

ANS:5 did you check the following switch in T77S0:
PLOGI SPLIT Integration: New IT 0001 record at name change

The description (F1) states:

Integration: New Infotype 0001 Record When Description Is Changed

If the value entered is 'X' and you change the description of positions, jobs or organizational units, new infotype 0001 records for the personnel numbers concerned are created on the date of the change(s).
This means that the system will always display the up-to-date descriptions of named objects, both in Personnel Administration transactions and in reports on persons.

If the description of an object is changed on a particular date (as of Release 4.5, this is done in Organizational Management by copying a record from infotype 1000, "object"), the system first establishes which personnel numbers are affected by this, and marks them internally. Then, you should use report RHINTE30 (parameter "Open Personnel Numbers Only") to create a batch input session. After this session has been processed, new infotype 0001 records for the person(s) concerned are created.

If the field PLOGI SPLIT is blank, the system only creates new infotype 0001 records if the assignment itself (that is, the number of the position, job or organizational unit) changes.

Seems to be just what you are looking for. However the downside is that this will increase the data in IT0001.

We have another problem. The thing is we already have mini master in the system before full implementation. The client is already using the production server. The new Ent & Personnel Structure has changed. So the second phase implementation when it goest live. Since we already have some infotypes holding data and also since there is Structure changes, How do i manage the uploads?

1) Should i delimit the old infotypes with an action and Create a new action saying 2nd phase upload? using 2 actions

2) Should i copy the infotype in 2nd phase action type upload and give the new data through BDC? using one action?

37. Where do we maintain address in Organisation Management ?

ANS:1 In transaction PO10 you can enter addresses in infotype P1028. If you scroll down in the list the address infotype is after PD profiles, cost distribution, quota planning, and site-dependent info.

ANS:2 if u want to maintain the address of org unit the IT is 1028.
for a person u can do it in IT 6.. Both the infotypes have subtypes... u can create new entries if u need more..

38. What is the relationship for dual reporting in OM.

ANS:1 A/B 262 - Reports to is superior of.

ANS:2 After giving A/B 262 relationship,. i am not able to check the dotted line reporting in PPOM_OLD

ANS:3 Have you selected the Reporting Structure View.

I thought that, you need the view of two dimensional report. To view the Dotted line Reporting, its A088

We dont hav any relationship called A/B 088

38. We are having problems in the Integration between PA and OM.
When we try to assign an employee to a different position on the OM side using T-code PPOM, we delimit and create a vacancy. That works fine.
But, when we go to the PA30 Transaction and see the IT 0000 and 0001 for that employee, it doesn't update it instead we get a warning saying " Employee has more than one position " but when we look at the overview it has only one position assigned to it.

ANS:1 Have you executed the RHINTE reports after you have set up the integration?
If not execute the reports first and then try to assign a person to a position from the PA side

ANS;2 Use report program RHINTE00 for PA-OM integration

but, it doesn't work.

ANS:3 Execute this report - RHINTE30
ANS:4 check the report RHINTE20

ANS:5 just go to SPRO
PM--> OM--> Integration--> Integration with PA.

Here check whether "X" is there as a default value in the feature PLOGI or not.
I think that will solve your problem. And check the IT0001 once again

39. The company that I work for is a growing one and new businesses / units keep getting added / subtracted on a monthly basis in the OM module. We are having a really tough time creating personnel areas and subareas in the PA module , to match the changes in the OM module.

Also since all our reporting is done from the PA module ,we end up with incorrect results for our customized reports.

We thought of countering the problem by giving the Organizational Unit as a selection criteria in our reports (that use logical database pnp). But the report turns out employees only in that particular organizational unit and not the units that form its sub structure.

1. Can you suggest the best way to deal with trying to map the OM and PA modules ?
2. Any inputs on how to get the employees from the sub org units of an superior org unit to appear on the report.

ANS:1 you could run your PA reports through report RHPNPSUB (transaction S_AHR_61016533).

ANS:2 for point 2 please press the ****on "Org.structure" on the PNP selection screen. There mark the topmost Org.unit and all PERNR beneath it following the path O-S-P will be collected as a starting set for the report.
You only need to mark the starting Org.Unit not every single one.

If the Push****on is not available change the reporting class so that it is displayed.

ANS:3 am unable to understand your question and also the logic of creating Personnel Area & Subareas in line with the changes made in OM.
do you mean to say that due to massive changes that you carry out in OM, your PA could not be updated?

First you check whether there is an integration between PA & OM.
second, SAP provides standard reports which are RHINTE00,10,20&30 with different functionalities to update PA whenever you carry out changes in OM.

To avoid manual execution of these reports on daily/weekly/monthly basis, you may create a batch process and define scheduling so that these reports would run automatically without someone executing this manually.
in order to create batch process you can take the help of either an ABAPer or Basis Administrator.

40. In om how to create the reporting structure.
reporting means dept. staff to dept. heads & all dept.heads to gms & all these gms ed/ that.

ANS:1 Use Transaction PPOM or PO13.

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:47 AM

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ANS:1 The Org Unit, Job & Position are the PD Objects you generally focus on with respect to PA-PD Integration.. the changes on an Employee's infotype 0001 are of significance..

41. I need to load the organizational structure master data, but is very heavy... which is the best o easy way: LSMW, BatchInput?... Exist other?

ANS:1 Instead of using LSMW or BDC go for HR Data transfer tool box.

ANS:2 Then go for the batch input or you may also use FM RH_CREATE_INFTY for OM infotypes.
Since LSMW is only acceptable for small amount of data there for I will suggest you to go with Batch Input (BDC) might be on PO13 or any other tcode if you know.

ANS:3 One way is that since you have the data with you in Tables Download it and Upload it using BDC or LSMW

There is also a Transaction code for Creating Sequential File "OOMV" -> This will automatically create a Batch file for you depending upon the Selection criteria you have enter on the selection Screen
User Transaction "OODT" to upload the sequential file later into the system.

Note: Keep the number range in mind before uploading it may be Internal or External Number ranges.

ANS;4 Use CATT - SAP's test utility - tcode is SCAT.

Bascially, you can record a script using SCAT - it will give you an excel template for the data fields you mark for "input" while recording the script. then, you can upload the data into this excel and run the script. It uploads the data. The scripts can also be run remotely across environments (e.g., script can run in QA environment but upload data to PS environment).
What you would need to do identify all the detailed steps of the process before you begin recording. You will have to load IT1000 first and then the corresponding relationships (IT1001) and any other relevant infotypes you need.
You may need to run the RHINTE programs afterwards depending on your implementation situation.
I have done this at several implementations and works like a charm.

If you have Mercury tools (Winrunner, Quality Center, etc), you can use that to achieve the same.

42. I was asked to find a technical solution for creating appraisals in an ERP system that uses the organizational structure from an external source.
To be more specific, I have one system that holds the organizational structure, and another system that needs to hold the appraisals data, but I don't want to copy and maintain the organizational structure in both systems. Is it possible to edit appraisals for external objects ?

ANS:1 Is the only the org. structure outside or also the people (otype P)?

If the persons are know in the ERP system then you can normally appraise them, read the org assignment from the external source to find manager/employee. Then FM HRHAP_TEMPLATE_GET_DETAIL to create the documents.

If also the P is outside then you need to appraise users. And if that doesn't work, yes you can appraisee any object as long as it is an (external) otype.

The entire org. structure is external to the ERP system, including persons, positions etc...
Does appraising external object requires the creation of that object in the ERP system ?
Is the external id sufficient ?

ANS:2 You need to appraise something. Technically we can appraise any (external) object. But this object should be know in the ERP system. Without this it won't work.

43. We are going live next month and, my client has mini master in his system. I configured om and pa and put in request. So since there is already config and master data in the Production, how do i go about it. if i transport the new config to prdn, and set up the employees master data according to the new config in the Prdn.

ANS:1 i depends on your requirement. You could:
1. Delete mini master in Produktion
2. Make sure that your configration works also for the existing mini master
3. write a report which updates the mini master data to the new configuration

44. need to create a codependent organizational unit. The new unit can watch the up level but the related can´t watch down level. Is this possible?

ANS:1 u can - create an organization unit as the subordinate of the top unit.
means create the org unit at the same level of other org units

ANS:2 create at the level u want, see that it doesnt have a relation with any other units which are underneath it

ANS:3 PPOME- create the org unit, create it as a sub org unit under a org unit if you want to.
po10 is transaction to maitain the relationships for org units.
use the transaction and select relationship info type 1001 and hit create.

ANS:4 Depends on the relationship, you can relate one another. Depends on your relationship between the objects, you can maintain structure. In standard, SAP has given various option to relate the object, if you are not satisfying with standard, you have the option to customize the relationship.

45. While hiring an employee i got to know that my PA don't have integration with OM,So,Can anybody tell me me how to Integrate PA with OM...& do let me whats its prerequisites and post working of integration....

ANS;1 While hiring an employee you hired to a default position or any other valid position , check the Relationship infotype 1001.

ANS:2 There is a switch to be activated for PLogi an Orga. This is a basic thing. Jus check in SPRO - PM - PA - Integration.Let me know if that has been marked "X"

ANS:3 if you want to integrate then go to img-pm-om-integration-integration with pa-setup integration with pa. make sure that these values are there in that 02 x 02 blank 01 x 99999999 blank x x x 0 blank blank these are the value abbreviations just check these values are there i had given top to bottom seperate values given space from one value to other value

Im hiring employee...still its not considering position in PA..?
how do i get to know that now integration has been setup amon PA & OM, could u tell me meaning of X,0,01,02 abbreviations.

ANS:4 you go to that flow and in that value abbreviation you press f1 and you will get the x and 0 or 1 that means these are switches to on or off if you select x that is switch on means that particular things reflects in other places if it is not given then it wont get activated ok you see in f1 you will understand clearly in the value abbreviation.

46. We are in the process of setting up Org Management. For this purpse, I would like to get feedback from other SAP Practioners
There are two commonly known ways of assigning Cost Center in OM
ONE - Cost Center Assigned to Org Unit
TWO - Cost Center Assigned to Position
The alternative method is to assign Cost Center at Org Unit level while overriding the same at Position Level, at time.
Are there Clients where Cost Center is being assigned at Position level only and not at Org Unit level? If that is the case, are there any advantages to this.

ANS:1 Most commonly used is the first method, Cost Center Assigned to Org Unit. Cost Center is generally assigned to Position only in exceptional cases. There are no advantages as such but it helps in fulfilling some peculiar business requirements.

ANS:2 The basic advantage in assigning cost center at postion level is :
1. Cost can be splitted for persons (Diff Employee Groups) within the orgunit
2. Costing accuracy while generating reports

The above is not possible if cost center is assigned at Org. Unit level.

Ans:3 Most commonly using type is assigning the Cost Center to Org unit, because once u assing the Cost Center to Org unit, then there is no need to set cost center for sub Org unit and the Positions under that Org unit, if you want, you can change at that level too. It will reduce your Time during the Customizing.
In special case only, will use this assigning of Cost center in Position level. Because we need to concentrate on every Position during customizing.

Ans:4 In our organization, if we want to separate out the cost of the position (to override the cost centre assignment @ org unit) we use infotype 27. In the same we can give more tha one cost centres to a person and the person have the position so indirectly position gets more than one cost centre as well as it override the cost assignment @ org unit

ANS:5 IT0027 is used to distribute your amount in to various Cost Centers. Still you can define your Cost Center for Org unit and maintain this IT to distribute. I won't say this is the wrong method, assigning of Cost Center to Org unit, will ease your process.

47. What is the concept of Evaluation Path?

ANS:1 evaluation path determines the objects and relationships that are to be edited or displayed as well as the new objects and relation ships that may be created.

48. The Problem is the Concur program, used for employee travel expenses, reads an employee’s organizational assignment using the “bottom up” evaluation path, standard to SAP. After the program reads the employee’s record, includes the employee’s supervisor data. Following that the program logic reads the relationship assigned to the employee’s VP, as defined by the Org structure.

The issue we are having is that the program can not read an employee’s direct supervisor, even though the program identifies the employee’s VP correctly. As part of the troubleshooting process I began by verifying the Org. Mgmt side of the HR records. After much testing, I have determined that the employee relationships are correct, as well as the position and job data. The issue is pointing to PA as there was some problem in the action dates.

HRIS Department has resolved this issue, by re-creating the employee’s Actions, and relevant historical data but still I have been unsuccessful.

Do let me know if you have some other options too.

ANS:1 If it is a custom Program, the relevant source code would help identify the issue. You can also verify if the PA data is correct by using the function call RH_GET_LEADER FM. You can get the supervisor's personal id by providing employee PERNR and obj type as 'P'.

49. My client want to change the whole Organization structure, How should i carry about this change? also What will be its implications on PA.

ANS:1 if the client wants to change the whole org structure first u have to delimit the earlier one.
the pa effect will be only on org assignment—position. they will have new position numbers and org units

how can i update the Org assignment infotype then with the new org. structure?

ANS: 2 Try this if it is a completely new structure:

Create/ copy (and then modify) the Org Structure into a new Plan Version and put this created plan as the current plan. You will have to assign your employees to this new structure.

ANS:3 i believe when u create new structure
u delimit the old structure along with positions
when u delimit all the positions all the org assignment fields will go to default position.
and then when u assign these persons to new positions then if u r doing it manually then u can see the change taking place in your PA30--org assignment.
if you are doing the assignment of any holder through any upload program then the updation will not happen in PA30.
because in upload program the dynamic programs like RHINTE30 will not be called
so run the reports RHINTE10,20,30
once u run RHINTE30 the report will pick up the org assignment from OM and will create the updated record in PA30.

but what if we dont want to delimit the positions and change the relations of existing to the new org. units. Can this be done? What will be the implications?

ANS: 4 u can do the delimiting one and create new relationships with new positions only implications are there will be new position numbers in the old assignment in 0001 infotype. if u dont want to delimit then the employee will be occupying multiple positions.

50. I have created an OM infotype as 9901(pozisiton infotype) in PPCI.And then I completed required settings in infotype checklist.Everything is OK. However in Transaction PO13 , my infotype is not in this list.

ANS:1 go to T-code "OOIT" and maintain the infotype for the Object type. Do not select the check box "No Maintain"

ANS:2 RHCHECKRELATIONS Chek This report for the consistency with the position and OM

My IT was country specific infotype; so from PO13 menu settings- country spesific IT's chosen , then I saw it in PO13 menu then completed

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:47 AM

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ANS:1 Matrix reporting in OM is very client specific, for which you may not get any std document.

In an organization when ever you have dual reporting -- > Employee reporting to 2 persons ---- Employee belongs to “A” org unit, but reports to Manager who belongs to “B” org unit, such thing may be termed as MATRIX in OM. There are so many examples look at the picture in your client OM… seek more in-depth information... that may help you.

ANS:2 Different variations on the horizontal and vertical systems result in different appearances of the matrix organization, for example:

Project Matrix Organization
Team Matrix Organization
Product Matrix Organization
Matrix in Connection with Legally Autonomous Units
Matrix for Applicant Selection Procedure

52. We are implementing SAP for a service industry. It is located in all over the India. Here 1 Position belongs to so many Organizational units (for example Sales employee (S) is working in Bombay (O), Delhi (O)......So how can I assign 1 Position to different Organizational Units.

We assign employee depends upon Personnel area & sub area, in the same way I want to assign 1 position to different Organizational units so that If I assign 2 employees for the same Position in the Simple Maintenance Org Structure different positions to come with same Object number, in different Organizational units

ANS:1 Then create a same position & along with their jobs in all organizational units and start maintaining employees for the same position.

ANS:2 you can do that and once it appears in org structure different different object numbers will come not a single object number

If I create a new position (with the same name) then a new object number will create & it is very difficult to assign an employee in 0001, because s****ed employee (S) is working in 500 Personnel sub areas, so it is not possible to create 500 positions

ANS:3 you need not to create 500 positions you can even upload those positions what ever you create position with same job different object numbers are created no body will create that many positions so normally they will upload the structure

Now I will upload all 500 positions, then in future if a new employee joins, in 0001 it will give the list of 500 positions (500 positions is only s****ed employees, other positions are also there like uns****ed, highly s****ed etc), then it is very difficult to search a position how to solve this issue

ANS;4 Dont create 500 positions just create some positions make sure that each position is coming under each organizational units. and while Maintain PA30 IT0000-Actions there you select individually for each employee where he is situated & organizational unit from drop down & save it.

You can assign as many as employees for 1 position number

53. how I can assign a cost center to an organizational unit without using the ppome ? I'd like to do through ppo01/pp02

ANS:1 PP01--> select the Object type (Org Unit)--> enter the Org Unit No
Select the Cost Distribution Infotype--> Create & enter the Cost Center

54. In OM my client is having functional and operational reporting (multilevel), I wanted to know how to map these reporting structure.

ANS:1 In the ppom_old select the position which you want to report For ex A and B are two positions. in B is reporting to A . So First select B and GOTO in menu bar select reporting structure and again select B and click on subordinate and now select position A and save it and click on yes that is reporting before doing this reporting structure once you select the you have to make the head of the department. for click on chief same flow.

ANS:2 SAP's OM allows you to map multiple relationship to a position. you use this feature to map different reporting relationships.
For example - Functional Reporting can be mapped using the standard relationship - A/B002-Reports (line) to which is the straight line/direct reporting and another standard A/B-004-Is subordinate to (disc.) or custom created relationship to map the Operational reporting.
pls bear in mind that these relationships should have time constraint 3 to be able to map multiple positions.

55. We have uploaded employee details thru BDC ( by performing one action as initial hiring) with positions. Before this upload itself we have created the entire OM including positions. But after upload, the 'employee person relationship' (holder) is not getting reflected in OM whereas I could see the position details in IT 0001. The positions are created with previous dates and person jon date has mentioned after the position dates. System is not creating the holder relationship from join date( I suppose it should be like that). Tried to run the 'rhinte00' report by selecting the holder relationship checkbox ticked. It is giving warning as 'Only Holder relationships are created' and it is not proceeding further and the relationship also not getting created.

ANS:1 try out report RHINTE30, or u can go to SPRO transaction and path -

Personnel Management->
Organizational Management->Integration with Personnel Management

ANS:2 RHINTE30 displays the personnel number and it even shows message that it's completed successfully. But when checked from the OM screens, still the holder relation is not appearing and it is missing in reporting structure etc.

ANS:3 if the execution of this report has created any kind of batch job folder or spool request..if yes then u have to process that session in transaction SM35

ANS:4 In fact RHINTE00 was the right place. I tried it again and this time it went thru''. The problem was it was stopping after giving the warning message . Even after pressing the 'Enter' key it shown the warning only. 2,3 times I pressed 'Enter' Key and it worked well. As you informed thru' sm35 only I completed the process. Now the OM looks perfect.

56. I need to share a position with two Org Units. If the position is chief position then the relation-ship A012 is used to share btw the org units...but i need to share a normal position btw org units. could any one help to let me know whether it is possible and if so what might be the relation ship in this case?

ANS:1 it is not possible that one position can be assigned two org units.
I think that the B003 relationship (O-S) should be Time Constraint 3 because one Org Unit may have many Positions Incorporated to it for the same time period. Also the A003 (S-O)relationship should be Time Constraint 2 because one Position may belong to only one Org Unit for the same time period. Hence we may see that the A003 relationship exists twice between a Position and an Org Unit, once with a PRIOX and once without when we assign one position to two org units.

Now i assign the person with 2 position and provide him the %. But is there any impact in cost center on payroll run?
Please help to list what are the actions to be considered once i assign a person to 2 position?

The impact of Cost Center will be there if u maintain cost centre data for position.
If u maintain for the employee,u can directly give the % . For position the assignment will be 100% since only one position is considered..
Check Infotypes 27 and 1018.. for further information..

we have assigned cost center to the org unit not to the position. IT 27 is mainly used for FI Posting right? we are not having FI as of now. may i know what is the use of HRP1018

All OM Infotypes start with 1000... so 1018 is for assigning cost distribution to work Centre, Org Unit, Position..

IT 27 is for assigning cost centre for a person....

Is there any report which can be executed after payroll find out how much amount has been transferred to a cost centre for that run?

Try this report se38.. not sure...
Else check with the Fi guys.. or modify the above report with the help of technical guy.

57. In PA we can add our own additional fields in SAP standard infotypes using transaction PM01. Is such enhancements possible while creating objects & relationships in OM. While creating objects and relationship using transaction PP01 in OM, can I have a new field added to the PP01 screen and then save the values in HRP1000 or HRP1001 tables?

ANS:1 To enhance the t-code pp01 you need to use badi or user exits .
For the t-code pp01 following are the BADI's which can be used
Business Add-in
and the user exits which can be used are

58. We have received Job Family classification from Comp.Now we need to set up these Job Families in OM. I do not see a Job Family Object in Enterprise 4.7 I understand we need to do the following in OM

1. Create a Group Object for each of the Job Family Categories.
2. Assign each Job to a Job Family
Are the above steps enough for this to work or am I missing any steps ?

ANS:1 The Job Family was introduced in 4.7 for use in Salary Surveys. It is maintained in table T71JPR28. It is linked to the Job in infotype 5050 - Compensation Job Attributes.
If you have created Job Families, just create an IT5050 for each Job to link them to the appropriate Job Family.
No need to create new objects.

59. Would you have any data on OM - LSO: Best Practices. What are the options to set up the org structure to ensure optimum integration between OM and LSO. Ex. should we assign courses to Jobs or Positions, which would work well? Etc.

ANS:1 The following are the integration points:
1. Qualifications
2. Jobs
3. Positions
4. Person
5. Development Plans

The best practices depend on the organization/industry. If the company has a competency based system, qualifications will be a great enabler when used with the LSO. You can have a course that will make a person "qualified" at the end of it. e.g. CPR training class will make the person "CPR Certified'.
Qualifications can also used as a pre-requisite. eg. If you are "CPR certified', then you can go for a course on "Hazmat certification course".

Another best practice is to have qualifications attached to jobs/ position. this will help in comparing a persons' qualification with a job/position requirements. Based on the deficiency, courses will be proposed. If the job/ position requirement is to be "Advanced Sales S****s" and the person has a qualification "Basic Sales s****s, the system can propose courses that can help the person achieve "Advanced sales s****s" since he/she is deficient in it.

In case there are certain mandatory courses that are required, then can be attached to a job, position or to a specific person.

If the client uses Development Plans, then LSO courses can be a part of the development plan. e.g. An Ethics training course can be made a part of an intern's Development plan along with job rotation and location changes.

60. We have a large number of PERNRs that were created by an interface in error. Infotypes 0,1,2,and 3 were created, but no S-P relationship was created in OM.
I'm wondering if there is a report that will identify PERNRs that have an IT0001 but no corresponding S-P relationship in HRP1001.
Note: We have OM>PA integration turned on.


welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:48 AM

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My problem is when I attach cost center to the first org. unit the system gives me message that "Overlapping records will be deleted", even if there are no records and when i save the same the data gets saved. Afterwards when I try to attach cost center to second org. unit the system gives me same message as "Overlapping records will be deleted" and when I save the record, the first record's relationship gets deleted from HRP1001.

The problem got solved but as per SAP the time constraint should be 2.

62. Switches

ANS: the switches in Sap HR is for integration between various modules
these are will be there in the table T77S0
there depending on the requirement the switches will be activated.
as you know if u press f1 it will give u which entry will do what function. like some of them have entries like X other may have 1 some others may have characteristic values which define certain functionalities.

63. 1. Number Ranges
2. Data Model Enhancement
3. Maintain Evaluation Paths in OM.

ANS: like u have number ranges in personnel administration for pernr
each object in SAp is represented by a unique number.
in OM the objects mainly are O,P,S,C etc
for these the number ranges are set in transaction code OONR
here the $sybbol suggests any plan version
if your planversion is 01(active) the the number ranges should be given as
01O XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX specify ex stands for external in stands for internal.
in number ranges maintanence give which is external and internal
like this for all objects
01s,01P etc
2. data model enhancement is where the various infotypes will be maintained
and the relationshis between them is given.
like checks where the relation like A0008 cannot exceed 100% are set.
3.evalution paths are something how each objects evolution takes place
means the the evolution of p is from organizational unit then position then the

like this new evaluation paths can also be set.

64. We have two roles defined in the system for OM users.
1. Core team role (With all OM authorizations)
2. Structural authorization role (Attached to org unit)

We had assigned a employee with Both these roles.Now he is not able to create a position because while creating a position he is not able to view all the jobs existing in the system.

User with Only the first role can perform all the action successfully.
We tried to create another structural profile with object type as C and object ID as * but the system only accepts numeric value whereas in our case we want to show all the jobs.

ANS:1 if you give full authorization, they can do all the transactions. We are restricting the access by providing them the authorization.

Maintain the Structural authorization with both Position and Job object. So that, they can create both the objects and ofcourse all the object id's are numeric value only.

There are lots of jobs defined.Do i have to create authorization for each job object separately and which evaluation path do i use.

ANS:2 No need to create for individual Job, make it universe, if it applicable for all the jobs. If standard evaluation path couldn't fulfill your need, go for your own evaluation path, which will suit your need.

65. I have found out an inconsistency, there was an employee associated to a position then in actions i see he was 'Change of Appointment' on 01-07-2005 and hence the position is still allotted to the same guy but when i use po13 to look at position it shows as vacant frm 01-07-2005,
i checked out the entry in table T77S0 and then entry is X for PLOGI ORGA

ANS: There are inconsistency between the modules:
so run the reports:

66. Can I use PP01 for maintaining (Create/Edit/Delimit/Delete) all objects, instead of using PO10 for Org Unit, PO03 for Jobs and PO13 for Position

ANS:1 you can. But you have to enter the Object Type you want to work with. As you noted PO03, PO13 and PO10 are object specific, so you do not have to specify the object type. You do with PP01. Also, PP01 is used when the object type does not have a specific transaction or it is a custom object.

ANS:2 yes u can use PP01, to create ,delete and edit objects but not delimit. For delimiting there is a standard program to do. Also u can delete the entire object type by using the standard program.

SAP Easy access - Human resources - OM - Tools. Here u have the option to delimit, new start date etc.

Here is the path in Easy Access

HR --> OM --> Tools --> Infotype --> New end date
Tr code - RE_RHGRENZ4

67. I needed to change, through the PPOMA_CRM, the Organizational Unit of a Clerk, a position that has, in our organization, the following hierarchy: Clerk ---> Employee Business Partner ---> SAP username.
I have done it in this way:
0. Gone to PPOMA_CRM transaction.
1. I have positioned myself with the cursor on the NEW organizational Unit of the Clerk.

2. I have pressed right-click and then ASSIGN.

3. I have assigned the Clerk in question (relation chosen was B003: incorporates.)

The result seems OK: in the Organizational Model, the Clerk is under the new Unit. AND, under the old unit, I do not see the clerk anymore.

BUT, if i go to the Relationship properties of that Employee Business Partner in TX "BP", i can see TWO relationships: One with the old unit, One with the new unit.

The same happens in the HRP tables: two entries!

I tried to delete the first relationship in the BP transaction itself, but it will tell me Maintenance is possible only via Organization Management.

How is it possible I still have the old relationship? How can I eliminate it? Any clues?

If I go to transaction PO13 and I click on "display/change", I actually can still see the assignment of the Clerk Position to the old organization unit, with a pink arrow on the side and a tooltip "object to be removed".

But who can remove it and how? Is there any kind of "refresh" to be commanded? Or do I just have to wait for tomorrow to see the relationship disappear?

ANS:1 With SAP being date and time driven, is it not a case of the old relationship ending at a particular date and back to back with that, the new relationship starting a day after the old relationship has ended ?

You are right about the validity dates in the HRP tables: the OLD relationship appears, in hrp1001, to be true until YESTERDAY and the NEW is valid since today.

Accordingly, I have inserted a hrp1001-endda >= sy-datum in my queries and I consider your answer very helpful.

Notwithstanding, it is in the Business Partner relationship area that the update has not taken place!

The Business Partner still has an "is employee of" relation with the old organizational unit until year 9999! I would have expected that to disappear or to change validity date. That relationship, if I am not mistaken, is kept in the BUT050 table.

I cannot manually change the date for the same old reason, that is to say the system stops me because the relation "can be maintained only in the organization model..."

Let's wait until tomorrow. If the BP relation does not change, I will start to think that POMA does not sync perfectly with BP data.

68. Is there any sap standard program which will give all the changed data for OM related Infotypes? I know we have some idoc types which can do this, but I am looking for some standard program.

ANS:1 You can log the changes for 1000, 1001 & 1002 Infotypes in the table T77CDOC_CUST and display it with the Std Report RHCDOC_DISPLAY.

But I am unable to see any documents in the table T77CDOC_CUST even though I made some changes to the OM data for a particular object. I see that there is a SWITCH in the above table which needs to be activated..I think in my system it is not active

69. I creating OM structure i ran the reports RHINTE10 and RHINTE30 respectively for transferring Org. units / positions and holders for the positions to Infotype 0001 in PA.
But when i am checking the same in PA30 , IT 0001 the respective position number is not coming up for any of the employees.

ANS:1 Goto /nsm30 and enter the T77S0 and activate the switch PLOGI ORGA with "x".

Its already on. What else should be done?

ANS:2 Please leave blank for 'PLOGI PRELU' which would mean realtime update and then chose option 'Open personnel numbers only' in RHINTE30, run it for updating realtime.

ANS:3 Try RHINTE20 which creates missing objects and also check RHINTECHECK

When i am running the report RHINTECHECK, it is giving me error message as "incorrect position assignment of person in the period". But when i am checking in Tables 528T , 527X and 528B all positions and org units are there.
The situation is that we have been using one Org structure which i delimited on 31.03.2007 and created a new effective 01.09.2007. Do you think this might cause some issue?

ANS:4 think u might have maintained the relation ships with the objects which are delimited... hence u cannot view the position while hiring..
check the IT1001.....

I delimited the entire org structure with all the positions after which each employee was assigned to the default position 99999999.
New Org structure has new positions and employees are assigned to these new positions.

70. It is possible to assign two personnel nos for Single emp

ANS:1 At any point of time only one personnel number is active for an employee.

He can have two pers. no. incase if he has resigned and rejoined. But, only one will be active as the earlier one gets delimited.

ANS:2 For a single employee to have more then 1 pernr The employee should come in category of GLOBAL EMPLOYEES, To know more about global employee's u can check
But if the employee is working in the same work place, and been assigned with the same organization job
then the person can have just 1 personnel no.

ANS:3 You can't assign two Personnel No. for single employee at one time. In case of Global Employee, one Employee will have two Personal Assignment, but again one Person ID, that will maintain in IT0702. You can select the Personal assignment and maintain the master record for this assignment in PA30.

Global Employment is the situation, where the employee is an global, that is he will be assigned to work for some other country for shorter duration and after his duration, he can assign for some other country or return back to same country. These are all the process of Global Employment:

1. Planning for GE
2. Preparation
3. Assign
4. Transfer
5. GE period
6. Repatriation ( It may be to different country or to the same country)

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:48 AM

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OM and FICO integration happens on assigning Company Code, Personnel Area, Pers Sub Area and Controlling Area in IT1008 - Account Assignment Features
(some clients also prefer to assign these at Position level)

Is there any other way of integrating PA and OM with FICO .. and I am not talking about other areas such as PD, Time, Payroll, Benefits etc.

ANS:1 Yes, you have Cost Distribution in IT0027. You can distribute your Cost in to various Cost Centers. But only one Master Cost Center.

72. if there is any transaction code or report for creation of vacant positions in OM , data being uploaded from an excel/text file.

ANS:1 Use report RHVOPOS0 and check table T750X
Check the switch PPAVC set to 1.
Use FM: RH_GET_VACANCY (In order to determine vacancy)

ANS:2 You can maintain your vacancy in OM infotype 1007. In recruitment, you can maintain in Tcode PBAY.

ANS:3 you could also try tu use reports

1. RHMOVE00 : generates an example file
2. mainatin file
3. RHALTD00 : import the changed file.

I am trying to use the report RHVOPOS0 to create Multiple Positions.
But, when I am trying to use "Multiple Selection" arrow ****on, it asks me for Object ID. Since I want to create multiple position (S) objects, what ID is it asking for?

73. which transparent table has:
- relationship between Object S (position) and (Account Assignment) Controlling Area and Master Cost Center.... - and relationship between Object S (position) and (Work Schedule) Working time and Approval

ANS: 1) Relations Ship between S and K is A011 and is stored in the same table i.e. relationships HRP1001. Account assignment can be done between S -> K or O -> K.

2) Alfredo I dont think the relationship is directly maintained between S and Work schedule infact Pernr and Workschedule is maintained in PA0007 .... once you know the pernr you can find out his S (Position) from infotype 0001 i.e. DB table PA0001 on a given date.

74. we are using the assignment A/B006 for substitutions in SAP OM.

We want to do the following:
A substitutes B and
B substitutes A.
In the 1st case the system creates an A006 entry for A and B006 entry for B.

When we then want to enter the second way the system rejects it because there is already an assignment existing.

ANS:1 Yes system is doing correct only.
System has created B Substitutes A when U created A Substitute B.
So U dont need to create the entry.

unfortunately not because the system has created
A substitutes B and
B is substituted by A

I want additionally
B substitutes A and
A is substituted by B.

Those are different meanings. You can also see that if you check the substitution view in PPOME because if you set up the 1st way and then go to position B you will nothing in the substitution view.

ANS:2 That doesn't sound logical. I dont think you can do that. You can only have one relationship between two objects. if A relates to B via A/B006(meaning A & B relates through A006 and inverse B006 between B & A automatically created) then it is not possible to have relationship A006 between B & A because inverse relation B006 has already created between B & A.
Its just like saying Person reports to Manager, so its not possible Manager reports to Person because Manager is line supervisor of Person.why do you need to do this?

We have in this example two manager positions (e.g. manager of plant A and manager of plant B) that substitute each other. They are on the same hierarchie level and work just for two plants.
Another example would be my manager in the IT. He and his colleage from the other department substitute each other, means if my manager is out of office I can go the manager of the other department (for example for holiday) and if the manager of the other department is out of office his people go to my boss.

Maby to clarify the system side also once more, if I create the substitution from A to B it means that A is substituted by B and B substitutes A. But it does not say A substitutes B.

In PPOME you can see it as shortly discribed as well. After creating the first substitution I see the assignment when I go to the substitution view for position A. But when I go the view for position B there is nothing

ANS:3 Go through IMG :

[Personnel Management][Organizational Management][Basic Settings][Data Model Enhancement][Infotype Maintenance][Maintain Subtypes]

and change the time constraint for relationship A006/B006.

If this is possible you have to make sure that there are no endless loops in system functions for example create workflows, search person in charge etc.

there we have set the value 3 (as often as required).

But you hint concerning workflows I guess is the point. Because I could think the system rejects the wise versa way because of possible endless loops or other system problems. If this is so I guess there is no way to maintain the substitution as I don't think SAP offers a customizing table to enable it.

75. We are live with PA,OM, Benefits module. We are starting phaseII ESS and MSS by Aug. The client also wanted to implement SAP performance mgmt. Can we also do Performance Management simultaneously with ESS/MSS or ESS/MSS needs to be in place for Performance Management and SAP LMS ? SAP LMS is also in cards.........Just wanted to check with the group if these two modules of SAP is dependent of ESS/MSS roll out.
Is it advisable to go for ESS/MSS first and then Peformance mgmt. and LMS ?

The client is a medium sized company. What would be the duration of a Peformance mgmt project (considering the PM process is not very complex) with one functional, one portal and one ABAPer.

ANS:1 You can do it simultaneously. But it preferred to have all the infrastructure issue settled before you start the realization phase. You can use the BSP files without the ESS/MSS.

LMS has 3 components- Front end (preferably with portal), back end (R/3) and authoring environment. You could start the implementation with back end without requiring the other components.

If the requirements are not very complex, the performance management should take about 3-4 months. You will need a workflow person if it's important to send out notifications.

Without ESS/MSS if we go ahead with Performance mgmt, how will that work out ? Now we can have BSP pages and when we implement portal we just link it to portal ?

ANS:2 Now to question we can do it BSP pages can be link through BAPIS and different Connectors are there.

Portals your are using for the Data entry purpose and calculation should be done at the SAP end , I guess.

Then in that case it can be done by ABAPer SAP side i know by creating desired infoype and Report .

If we implement Performance Mgmt (MBO) in R/3 and configure the workflow part now we can still rollout the Employee self service part in BSP. So when we implememnt SAP EP for all ESS and MSS functionality, do we just link the existing BSP -ESS for performance mgmt to SAP EP ?

what happens to other integrated functionalities like ECM and Career succession planning, bcoz that's something we are planning to go live with Q2 next year. Will the existing performance mgmt ESS functionalities be integrated with those.

ANS:3 The applicability of Perf Management really depends on your backend version.. I understand Perf Mgt is WebDynpro based in ERP2005.

we are in ERP2005 But coming back to my original question, can we go live with ESS with WebDynpro and when we are live with Enterprise Portal we can just link these two.

ANS:4 ESS with Webdynpro does require a NetWeaver Portal.. since you are on ERP2005, you will be going with ESS 1.0 that does require NetWeaver Portal 7.0.

I was talking about Performance mgmt only. We want to roll out performance mgmt now. But the Enterprise Portal implementation is for a later date. Since we want to give access to employee to see their performance data etc via ESS and THe managers to review performance data of employees, Can we start implementing this as a separate activity and when we start EP for all other functionalities of SAP HR, we can just link this already built Webdynpro or BSP or..

ANS:5 I would suggest going with ESS/MSS first & then add Perf Mgt.. if you go for perf Mgt as a standalone, you may have to build a lot of functionality that is Std in ESS/MSS.
just my 2 cents..

ANS:6 First configure and construct your performance management module as you did with PA, OM and benefits. Then link all these components with ESS/MSS.

how ever, u need SAP HR system kept ready before connecting it to portals i.e ESS/MSS

76. Can some one tell me what is a Doted line relation ship and a normal relationship in OM and when is this Doted line Relation ship used (in which situation) and when is this normal relation ship used.

What is the exact use and importance of this doted line relationship.

ANS:1 I have never listened about "doted line" relationship between objects of SAP HR OM module...
Which is the SAP release (perhaps it is the last one...) are you referring to? Where have you find this kind of relationship?

ANS:2 When one position reports to only one position then we use normal direct reporting by using the A002 relationship.

If one position reports to more than one position then the dotted line relationship is used which is maintained by using A005 relationship.

For Eg: If the Head HR reports to VP and also to CEO then the relationship between Head HR and VP is maintained using A002 and the relation between Head HR and CEO is maintained using A005

77. How will I monitor when there are changes(insert,update,delete) from OM infotypes? Can i use HRIADMIN transparent table to check aedtm if theres a change? Unlike in PA, you may configure some trigger fields using IMG to monitor changes for every changes in the infotype records.

I just need some advice for my interface project on 31 infotypes delta.

ANS:1 I guess you can log only a few PD table T77CDOC_CUST and display it with program RHCDOC_DISPLAY.

ANS:2 Check Tcode SCDO with object HR_IT1001.

78. Currently we maintain our OM in each Client and do not transport changes across the landscape. We are now in the process of implementing Structural Authorizations and this requires us to create a transport and push it across the landscape. My question is, is there a way to turn off the transport option for Structural Authorizations and make it configurable in each client?

ANS:1 the tcode of structural are OOSB and OOSP, i dont think you can turn that off, coz its using table update. You can ask your basis on how you can access and modify the said table.

79. I have a requirement of creating the Entire organizational structure right from the root org to the lower lever of employees. N number or org units, positions etc needs to be created and the relationships also to be maintained. I think this cannot be done manually. How can I proceed? Either writing a BDC or LSMW to upload? Or is there any other easy method to do.

ANS:1 If your client has HR Data Transfer Tool then use that otherwise go for LSMW.
BDC will be time consuming option.

ll opt for LSMW. Could anyone please let me know from where do I have to start.
Creating org units or postions or jobs first etc? Also which transaction code will be best for doing through LSMW. ppom_old or po13 etc.

Now I have a doubt of using the internal number ranges or external number ranges.
If I use internal number ranges, i cannot get dynamically the org. units created.
How to proceed?
Also tell me the steps whether i have to create all org. units first and then go for creating positions and then jobs.. etc.

ANS:2 You have to use internal number range, it willelp full at the time of upoading the data.

create all orunit first anthen creat position with repect to the org uit. it will help you to define the relationship

Now once i have created the entire org structure, then i have maintain it daily.
that is deleting or delimiting the position or changing the relationship periods or deleting the org units etc. I want to if these maintenance activity needs to be done manually or can it be automated?

ANS:3 You can upload all relation ship while creating the Position, job, etc
if you don't have much more org unit create it manually if you more number of org unit better to upload it.

80. How Personnel Actions works in Organisation management and please if anyone have any documentaion on this explaning the business scenario and how to configure it in IMG...

ANS:1 Personnel action in OM can be executed using transaction PP03.

They can be maintained using IMG via Personnel management > Org management > Basic settings > Maintain personnel actions (or transaction OOMT)

Let's assume that you want the users to create a postion but they should also remember to maintain the EG/ESG infotype 1013 at the same time. You can setup this sequence for the "Create position" action and train the users to use PP03.

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:48 AM

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i understand that they use a National ID and a PASI identification, but country grouping 99 does not allow for those fields in IT0002 for personal data.

ANS:1 you can use country grouping OM for Oman itself. dont take country grouping 99 country grouping 99 is used when the country is not listed by the sap and when it is not permitting you to do then go to this and customize in img-pm-pa-customizing procedure-infotypes-assign infotypes to countries where you have to assign the infotypes there and assign the infotypes for your country grouping. hope it solves your problem

ANS:2 Do you have payroll component in your project, if you have Payroll Process you need to take the country grouping as 99, then only you can copy a wage type and create your own wagetype. Most of the gulf countries dont have payroll driver. you have to use 99 as MOLGA for those.

Coming fields. you can go to PM>>PA>>Customizing User Interface>>Screen Modification>> choose the module pool as MP000200 and the Variable key as 99 and you can hide or Optional field in that.

82. The company I am working for is due to change their OM. This change is due to reorganizing OM (Cost Centers, Org Units and Positions) and due to adding new Org Units and Positions.

Is there a program in SAP that can make this mass change done swiftly like a standard SAP Program or LSMW, or do we need to do the changes manually?

We are talking about 500 Positions (and K and O) to change and adding about 600 new Positions.

ANS:1 you can develop LSMW program to upload all thes org unit and seperately for positions
it is advisable to use transaction code po10 for org units and po13 for positions or else u can use pp02

ANS:2 You can make mass changes through LSMW and BDC

83. Using T.code PA30 (Maintain HR Master Data), I entered personnel no and info type 0001.
I get the error 'No data stored for Organizational Assignment in the selected period'. How to overcome the error?

ANS:1 There is no data for that emp. for IT0001 for that selected period.
Hence you get that message. It is not an error message.
What period you have selected in PA30?
You can also check table PA0000 for that emp. in Tcode SE11, to check whether the data exsist or not.
If data is there in infotype 0001, then try to change the period in PA30. Choose some other period like 'ALL' or 'Up to today' & try it.

ANS:2 this is not error message. it only means tht no data is stored in IT0001 for tht particular PERNR in tht period range..
Just go to Se11 transaction and table PA0001 and give the personnel number there and see if any data is stored or not..

ANS:3 It suggests that there is no relevant data stored for that in selected period.
Hence plz check the period or else, go to Tcode Se11 and table PA0001 and give the per no there and see if any data is stored or not..

I have checked table PA0000 and the start date of personeel no is 01.01.2007 & end date is 31.12.9999.

I also tried by selecting ALL or 'Up to today' ****ons and i am getting the same error 'No data stored for Organizational Assignment in the selected period'.

ANS:4 please check table PA0001 not pa0000 and see the period range there and then provide this period range in PA30 for the pernr and display IT 0001.

I have checked table PA0001 and did not find any data. Again in PA30(Maintain HR Master data), I entered personnel no and infotype 0001 and period 01.01.2006 to 31.12.9999 & in Controlling indicators the period is the same.

ANS:5 if u have checked in table PA0001 and found tht no data exists in tht table then it means infotype 0001 is not maintained for this employee.. so go to PA30 and for this pernr select IT0001 and the press create ****on ,to create IT0001 record ..

Using T.code PA30, I entered data for Personnel no and 0001in infotype field and clicked on create. I am getting this message , 'Use an Action only to create initial organizational assignment record'
Message no. PG043

ANS:6 This error message must be your custom message configured in your system, so that you cannot maintan this infotype directly using PA30.

Then you have to use Tcode PA40, perform some action say 'Hiring action' or any other action configured in your system.

84. What is the t-code for maintain the evaluation paths and info types in OM module?


ANS:2 The tables T778T and T778A can be accessed via table view SM31 or SM30.Cheers.

85. My Query is that I have created an LSMW and uploaded the Employee Master Record. But when I go to PPOME I am not able to see Persons attached to Positions. If I go to the Table PA0000 and PA0001 I am able to see all the employees uploaded through LSMW with Positions but they are not getting reflected in PPOME.

In Table T77S0 the Switch PLOGI-ORGA is ‘X’ and the Feature PLOGI is also having value ‘X’.

I have run RHINTE 10 report too still there is no development

86. We have a requirement where we need to upload Qualifications to Job, position and Organizational unit.
Earlier we have uploaded Qualifications to employee using "RHPP_Q_PROFILE_WRITE_N_DIF" standard function module. This function module is used only to upload Qualifications to employees.

Is there a standard function module to upload Qualifications to Job, Position and Organizational unit.
We tried using "RHPP_COMMON_PROFILE_WRITE" function module we were able to update the database table.

But the Qualification is not getting displayed in
T-code PPPM.

ANS:1 check the report RHQCOPY1 in SE38

Tried report RHQCOPY1 for uploading Qualifications. But, still it's not visible in PPPM T-code.

ANS:2 Check the dates for which ur viewing the t code. make sure it is after the changed ones.....

87. Pls refer to the Maintain number ranges node in spro under Basic settings , OM.

I have planned seperate number ranges for creation of org units , positions , jobs , tasks.
Accordingly I am trying to create a new number range for my active plan version 01 for org units , positions , jobs , tasks respectively as below.


However the system is throwing up error when i am typing the above values as the subtypes. The message is as below

Please specify a valid subgroup
Message no. 5A300

You have not specified an allowed subgroup.

System Response
The system cannot accept your entry.

Please specify an allowed subgroup. You can then create an internal and an external number range for each subgroup.
The first two characters of a subgroup must contain a valid plan version. The next two characters must contain a valid object type.
Instead of specifying a specific object type, you can specify '$$' (= 'all object types') to set up a subgroup for all object types within a plan version.
You can specify '$$$$' to set up a subgroup for all plan versions and object types.
You cannot specify '$$' for the plan version and then specify a particular object type. Consequently, it is not possible to create a subgroup for all plan versions BUT specific object types.

ANS:1 Did you try it this way..
01 S Positions
01 O Org Units
01 T Tasks
01 C Jobs

think What you entered is in the right format.. probably the NR is set up for all versions.. pl verify if the GSVAL is set to 'X' in Table T77S0 for GRPID = 'NUMRG' .
If it is 'X', then you will have to enter in the following format..
$$S Positions
$$O Org Units
$$T Tasks
$$C Jobs

88. I want to create more building in OM but I get a no authorization error in a client that's locked down for configuration change. Is there any way to create more buildings without them being a configuration requests?

ANS:1 You can do this via a config change ( so at least once that client needs to be opened). Change the settings in table T77s0 for TRSP/CORR. X is no transports asked and blank indicates a transport request is required.

ANS:2 Use the transaction SOBJ and you can alter the settings for the table you want, could be a repair though.

89. Is it possible to have same object id in OM (HRP1000) as well as in PA (PERNR)?

For ex:
Object Type: O (org unit)
Object Id: 00000041
Pernr: 00000041
Please clarify it.
If not then what do we do for maintaining the unique ids.

ANS:1 you can have them as you like because the objects are different for org units the object id is O
for opernor the object id is P(person) hence there will not be any clash.

ANS:2 Object Id is unique for the same type of object. Since Object O and P is different, you can maintain the same id. It should not allow two id for the same object.

90. 1) How do you integrate OM and PA? If integration is active what happens when a position is entered in IT 0000.? What else does the system default? Can these values be changed? What is this called?
2)Where can you change the attributes of individual screens?

ANS:1 For integrating PA/OM, take a look at the node -Organizational Management -> Integration -> Integration with Personnel Administration -> Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration or table T77S0. The PLOGI PLOGI switch should be activated.
When you integrate PA/OM, You link OM objects and PERNR in PA via the Position.

ANS:2 1. Go to table T77S0. Activate the switch PLOGI ORGA as "X". This activates the integration between OM and PA. Press F1 in this field to read the documentation.
2. Position when given in 0000 will Update the org structure in OM. It will default the Jobs, Org unit of the position
3. If you want to change the infotype attributes Goto table "T582A". If you want to do screen level changes in Infotypes Use table "T588M"

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:49 AM

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ANS:1 OOIT: All infotypes used in OM
OOSU: All subtypes used in OM
OOVK: All relationships used in OM

go to SE11 enter the table HRPnnnn, hit the ****on display, then you can view the data from the table.

ANS:2 For accessing all the HRP tables, use the t-code SE11.
For seeing the table entries, you t-code SE16.

92. The requirement for this subject is to attach position or job description word document to the organizational object.To understand the requirement,take for example the position General Manager - Commercial When we go to transactions PPOME ( change organization and staffing) or PPOSE (display), we can change or diplay the unit organization and any position assigned to it.

When we go to transaction CV03N (Display document) to display the document by entering the name of the position on the field « Description ».

By clicking on enter, the document number is retrieved automatically

Solution: Create an icon link in position or job in organization. By clicking on this icon and by knowing the name of position, we can display directly the document. We have to create a variant with values (description of document = position name, type of document = PAO) and generate the program (SAPLCV110) related to transaction CV03N using this variant. The screen is shown below. Is this possible

NOTE: There are no user exits available for PPOME/PPOSE

ANS:1 try the following:

First set user parameter

After that you will see in transaction ppome/ppose the used scenario. This
could you customizing in the SAP IMG Hierarchy Framework:

For new columns:
IMG Path:[Personnel Management][Organizational Management][Hierarchy Framework][Column Framework]

For changing tabs:
IMG Path:[Personnel Management][Organizational Management][Hierarchy Framework][Adjust Tab Pages in Detail Area]
There are many other configuration option you could play with

ANS:2 TCODE - CV03N is not for HR doc type that is for PP,MM SD Document type.

in PPOME you have field call General description field you can maintain you description there.

93. We had a function module for accessing OM data viz. Infotype 1001. Could you let me know.


ANS:2 Do you want the fm which fetches the data from HRP1001 , if this is the case you can use this FM RH_READ_INFTY_1001.


94. How do I check what are the Standard Function Modules / BAPIs in OM or any HR sub modules like PA, Comp, TEM etc..

ANS:1 use Tcode BAPI and navigate to relevant module.
for FM go to se37 and search with HR* or RH*

95. the path to transfer data from OM to PA through RHINTE10,RHINTE30,RHINTE20,RHINTE00 reports.?

ANS:1 transaction SE38 or SA38.

explain me on differences between Switch plogi orga Vs RHINTE reports in transfer of data from om to pa.

ANS:1 When Switch PLogi Orga is is ON Ur OM and PA is already integrated.
No Need to run the reports for data transfer.Means If U maintain data in PA it will automatically be updated in OM and Vice-Versa.

But if the Switch is OFF then No data transfer will occur automatically and U have to Run the reports to transfer the data from OM to PA or PA to OM.

ANS:2 let u say u r implementing only PA and no Om then u need not have the data into OM
same case vise versa
the switch in T77SO there is one switch i dont remember exactly
this switch defines whether the data should be updated after running program
or should it create a batch in put session which u can execute later

ANS:4 Setting the Switch is the recommended process.
But there may be some cases in Implementation where the switch is not switched on.

For Example,
Lets say in one company they want PA to be implemented first without OM. and They also wanted to maintain Cost center.In this case U have to put the switch Off inorder to make the Cost center field Editable in IT0001.

And after some time client implemented OM and wants to transfer the data from PA.In This case U have to use the reports in order to fill the gaps between OM and PA.

So Basically Switching on Is the correct process and reports are used to plug the holes made my making the Switch Off.

We use RHINTE reports only when PA is implemented before OM.Am i correct.
We use PLOGI Switches when om is implemented before PA...Am i correct.

ANS:5 Its vice versa..

Simply, If the Integration switch is OFF, there won't be any data transfer of objects between the modules. The recommended solution is always Switch On the integration switch, so that we will have automatic object transfer between the module.

RHINTE reports are used for data synchronization. If there is any data mismatch between the module, we will run this reports to synchronize the data.

ANS:6 RHINTE10 uses for integration between OM & PA. (OM should install going for PA)
RHINTE00 uses for integration between PA & OM.(PA should install going for OM)
RHINTE20 uses to run consistency check between OM & PA.
RHINTE30 uses for integration between PD & PA.(PD should install going for PA).

PLOGI feature if it is "X" then it means OM AND PA integrated and vice versa. In this case cost center will be defaulted by position from OM and info type 1 will be grayed out.

In other case will be available if PLOGI is not on.

96. We're going to have 2 company using the same SAP system &
instances. Both company should not be able to see each other's SAP HR data including OM data.
Is there a way to determine default for number range OM objects using parameter Company Code? Any features or user exit?
Anyone encountered similar issue?
There's no problem for determining default number range for personnel number (PA), since we can utilize feature NUMKR. Unfortunately we couldn't find the same solution for OM.

ANS: do this with structural authorisation instead

97. how to create a new relation (A/B Z90) in OM. Steps you need to take and/or things to take into consideration.

ANS:1 you can create a new relation type through transaction OOVK

98. we can read any pa infotye by HR_READ_INFOTYPE function module,
how to read org management infotype. can you suggest any function module to read org management infotype.

ANS:1 You can use RH_READ_INFTY_NNNN to read any infotype.
Also, particularly to read infotypes 1000 and 1001 use RH_READ_INFTY_1000 and RH_READ_INFTY_1001 respectively

ANS:2 Check function modules :-


99. My end user is facing a strange problem while uploading the data from the Zprogramme through PA40, in the infotype 0001 the position assignment is correct but while we check in PPOME it is not showing the person assigned to that position.How could it be possible?

ANS:1 PA30/40 shouldn't be an issue.. I think it has to do with PA-PD Integration.. Did you check the switch on T77S0? Is the PD data getting updated when you run the same transaction online?

ANS:2 I had faced d same probs in my first implementation.U need to have integration between pa & pd
You can set up integration for all employees in any combination of selection criteria. in table T77S0 acts as a central switch for integration. If the entry contains a plan version, integration is activated for all employees who meet the criteria set in feature PLOGI. If you make no entry in the table, integration is switched off.

ANS:3 As per my knowledge, if you use BDC for PA30/40, the org assignment would not update the structure in OM module ( i.e., PPOME/PPOSE/PPOCE ) eventhough we set PLOGI-ORGA key in the configuration.

Solution is, ask your developer to use and include RHINTE00 program after completion of PA30/40 transaction in the code. This program helps to update the org assignments between PA and OM.

ANS:4 are you running the session in background mode.. ??? If yes then the Position -> to Employee assignment dosent take place in background mode or Jobs.

For Which you have to run program RHINTE30 from transaction code SE38.

This program is used for "Transfer org. assignment in batch input folder for infotype 0001"
Enter the Personnel Number for which you have to do the assignment.
It Creates a session which later you have to r u using the transaction SM35.

Note: First run the program in test mode if confirmed with the result then run without test mode. (To be on a safe side)

100. I have created "Position" using txn PO13.Problem is these positions are not available in txn PPOME for organization/Holder/Account assignment assignment.

ANS:1 Check weather the switch is active in T77S0 for PLOGI PLOGI to`X` to activate OM & PA integration.

Try to run Following reports:

-Using report RHINTE00, you can create objects in Organizational Management from the Personnel Administration infotype 0001 ("Organizational assignment"). In doing this, the following relationships are created:
oCost center and organizational unit or position
oPosition and organizational unit, job or person

-Using report RHINTE10, you can transfer the objects you created in Organizational Management to tables in Personnel Administration.

-Using report RHINTE30, you can update the "Organizational assignment" infotype (0001) for the personnel number you have selected, with the data you created in Organizational Management (by executing report RHINTE10).

-Using report RHINTE20, you can check whether the objects relevant for integration are set up both in Personnel Administration as well as in Organizational Management.

Problem still unresolved. Let me explain what I have done:

1) Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration
i) Participate in integration (PLOGI Decision Tree)
PLOGI Control :Integration of personnel planning and master data - X

ii) Table T77S0
Group Semi abbr. Value abbr
PLOGI PRELI 99999999 (Integration default Position)
PPINT PERSA 1000 (Default value for personnel area)

3) Set Up Integration with Cost Accounting

4) Set Up Integration for Cost Distribution

5) Define positions (OG30) - All positions are created here as per requirement. I found some positions are having "P" assignment in "OM" column and some are not. The positions which are having P assignment is available in PA30 and PPOME for assignment to organization. The positions which are not having P assignment is not available in PA30 & PPOME for assignment.

ANS:2 the object type "P" represents persons not positions see if it is "P" that means the position has been hired and pernr is assigned to that it automatically appears in org structure as well as PA30. so check it out . see positions will be represented by "s" and yesterday i told some switches to see in t77s0 table textc texts just activate that you positions will appear

As suggested I have checked up customization and found no error. But still I am not getting positions to assign it to organization in txn PPOM.

I ran Program RHINTE20 (Create Missiong Objects OM or PA) and found all positions created newly is lying as "Objects not in OM".

100. Does anyone know how do we set the OM Used Flag in table T530 for personnel action reasons that we want to use in OM during Transfer of Position. Actually, when you transfer a position from one org unit to another using drag drop in PPOME transaction, a popup window comes up asking for the personnel action type. I want to know how do we set personnel action / reasons so that they are displayed in the drop down on this popup window during position transfer.

ANS: V_T503_ALL.

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:50 AM

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But in case of 1 employee it did not change to 999999 after leaving action was performed.It still shows the Position what he held when he was Active.

Qn 1.In the above case which is right?
Qn.2 what should ideally happen in Standard SAP system in such case.

Q3. Can we change that position to 99999 (default) of an employee whose status in Withdrawn?

Qn.4. Anyoption other than rehiring and terminating him to sove this?(is this option itself is right practise?)
TIP: I don’t know if the end user properly followed the steps in doing the Leaving Action

ANS:1 If you are getting the default position then the Integration plogi - preli is set to 99999999. and you should get it for all the termination action. Check with the user if she had run the leaver action as per your infogroup (in case her user profile is not set up)

Ideally thats the way it is set up as we dont need a position for a Terminated employee, and that position can be filled up by someone else.

You can change it to 99999999 if all other positions are default as per your termination action.

102. I delimit the relation between cost centers and orgunits or positions with the sap report RHGRENZ4 and created new relations in PP02 by a batch input map (which i create with the LSMW). This seems to work fine in OM but although the Integration to PA is active, the changes i make have no effect to infotype 0001.
The value in the table T77S0 for PLOGI - PRELU is blank.
When i run the report rhintecheck i find my entry. but when i run the report rhinte30 the report does nothing!?

ANS:1 Try Rhinte10.
In the later versions of SAP, the updates are created in a batch file and have to be run in SM35 - see if any of the above help

I ran the rhinte10 but this shows no effect.

ANS:2 Please check the following:
1) table T77S0
PLOGI PLOGI – 01 ( 01 is your plan version)

2) Report RHINTE30 - Dates when the changes should be effective in IT 0001

3) You have sufficient authorizations to the objects & relationships.

ANS:3 Try Change mode for IT000 & press enter to check if any change can be observed..

I checked all of them, but without any result.
All i can say is, that this system behavior appears only by relations between Positions or Orgunits and cost centers!
Is it possible, that the Integration between PA and OM does not work for this relation?
Or ist it necessary to customize the integration for each object /relation/table?

103. I have to maintain relationships in Org.Structure.
If the clerk in an org unit say cleveland have to report to sr.clerk in sacramento who comes under a different org unit how do we maintain such kind of reporting structure?

ANS:1 You can try maintaining the reporting relationship in the positions( A02).. ie make the clerk occupying position S1 belonging to Org Unit O1 report to a Supervisor occupying position S1 belonging to Org Unit O2.

please be more clear as I have to maintain that kind if reporting relationship for many positions, where in some case 3 different employees from 3 different org units are made to report to a single head in other org unit. explain in detail?

ANS:2 You can relate one person to many superiors in the relationship IT1001. Select the object and create the corresponding relationship.
You can view the relationship of the object in the Reporting Structure.

If we decide to use this (A 002 reports to/line suprv of) versus using Chief Position A012 in the same manner, is there a difference in terms of what we are actually doing?

I have positions which are Chief position(s) of org units that they are not a part of.
(position 1 is chief of org unit 2,3,4, but sits in org unit 1). In the same manner, what ramifications are there for doing this instead of using the reports to relationship.

ANS:3 From the transaction PP01 or PO13 you can maintain A002 relationship between superior and subordinate positions. If there is lot of data, probably you can write a BDC program or LSMW to load data using the above transactions.

I believe the relations A002 or A012(Org Unit manager) are provided for this purpose only. Any positions reporting outside the Org unit will have (A002, A003) relationship. For positions reporting to Org unit head to which they belong will have (A003, A012) relationship.
In some cases I came across, there was no A002 maintained at all since there was no external reporting (Other Org units). It was assumed all positions report to the same Org Unit head. A003->A012

104. Where we use Org.Management info types (IT1000 to1999)

ANS:1 we can maintain org structure in different ways, in that infotype maintenance(expert mode) one of the type.
with expert mode we can maintain relationships(1001) and characteristics directly in the infotypes like that other infotypes also

ANS:2 OM infotypes are those in which we store all the information regarding all organization attributes, activities etc.. e.g

Position is related to organization so we maintain it in OM infotypes..
in 1000, we maintain its name and long text .. in 1001 we maintain relationship of position with other OM attributes i.e. Org Unit, Job, Business Area etc.

We maintain 1000 and 1001 infotypes for all OM objects...
but other Infotypes may vary depending upon their attributes..

e.g. IT 1007 is maintained for Job.. whether it is vacant or not..
similarly IT 1610 is used for US Job attributes... we can maintain only attributes here not position and others.

ANS:3 We can maintain the org structure in 3 ways: Simple Maintenance, Organization and Staffing and Expert mode (Infotype Maintenance).
In expert mode we can maintain relationships(1001) and characteristics of infotypes

ANS:4 Adding to what the others said, you can find out about all the infotypes by going to transaction OOIT. You can select a particular infotype and see which all objects can have this infotype.

Also, to find out about the relationships between objects(subtypes of infotype 1001), go to transaction OOVK. Here you can see which relationships are possible for objects and where does the additional data for all these objects lie.

Another transactions that might be useful is OOSU - 'Subtypes' Overview - where you can see the subtypes of all the infotypes.

105. My requirement is to extract data from HR based on Positions Management
Information Required
Position ID
Position Name
Position Status (Occ,Unocc,Obsolete) *
Staff ID
Staff Name
Staff FTE
Pay Scale Group
Pay Scale Level
Position Reports To
Organisational Unit
Date Selection
Start Date
Posts Reporting To Position
Can any one brief me on the flow in the position management in HR please

ANS:1 use related tables
"HRP1001" for all OM related information
"PA0001" for Organisational Information
"PA0008" for Basic pay & Pay scale structures

What is the KEY for those three tables.

ANS:2 Information Required
1) Position ID ---> Field - PLANS ---> Table - PA0001

2) Position Name ---> Filed - Stext --> Table - HRP1000

3) Position Status (Occ,Unocc,Obsolete) * --check for the relationship Employee holds the position on a given date --- Relation ship between Object type "S" and Object Type "P" and the Relation ship is A 008 (Holder of the Position) in table HRP1001

4) FTE ---???

5) Staff ID --- it may be the employee personnel no ... you may get from table PA0001 --- field PERNR -- it should be the Key field.

6) Staff Name --- Employees First and last name from table PA0002

7)Staff FTE ----???

8)Pay Scale Group --- from table PA0008

9)Pay Scale Level --- from table Pa0008

10)Position Reports To --- Relationship between Object type "S" to "S" in table HRP1001 and the relationship is A002

11) Organisational Unit --- when u look for the PERNR (Key filed in table PA0001) also look for the filed ORGEH

FLOW ----> Check the Pernr in table PA0001 on a given date ----

IF True
you will get his Position ID and Orgunit
Select employees details from like name from PA0002.

Select PSGroup and Level from PA0008 on the given date.

Select the reporting to relation ship in table HRP1001

106. how to get the costcentre of an org unit by reading the org structure

ANS:1 cost center is done by FI people if you need go to tcode ks01 and do the cost center this cost center you have to assign to company code. then that will reflect you can assign these cost center to org unit in two ways one is in ppom_old select position click on GO TO in menu bar select there account assignment there you get master cost center, cost distribution, account assignment. or go to po13 (position) or po10(org unit) you can select cost distribution infotype (1018) and click on create and assign the cost center

ANS:2 The first reply is correct in that the Cost Center is created by Finance and assigned to Org Units or Positions. This is done in Account Assignment. Sounds like you want to be able to view this assignment in the Organization and Staffing Interface. This can be done by selecting the 'GoTo' icon at the top of the overview display in PPOSE. Select an Organizational Unit and when you open the GoTo icon select 'Account Assignment'. If there is a cost center assigned to that organizational unit or the positions, it will appear as a 'K' with the Cost Center number. This does not show for organizational units which inherit the cost center from above. It will only show for that top org unit.
The Cost Center may also be seen on the 'Account Assignment' tab in the Detail section of PPOSE. Just select an org unit, click on the Account Assignment tab and the Cost Center information will appear on that tab. It will also tell you even if the cost center was inherited from above.

as u said we can assign IT 1018 (cost distribution) to org unit. But we can also assign relationship AI001 (cost centre assignment) for org unit to cost centre. what is the diffence between the above 2 process.

ANS:3 there is a difference see what ever you mentioned A1001 it is a relationship where how cost center is linked to org unit see for example A0002 is a relationship it defines reports to that means suppose hr asst mgr is reporting to hr manager then this relationship is automatically assigned. and what we said is IT1018 which is a infotype where you are allocating the cost center to cost center that means fi people will define the cost center and that we have to assign to the org units manually.
NOTE: relationships are automatically assigned where as infotypes you have to do manually i hope you are clear. you can just check it up and see the relationship in 1001 infotype

107. I maintained JOBS via following path:

Personnel Administration-->Organizational Data-->Organizational Assignment-->Organizational Plan-->Define Job-->Jobs and Job Title
System is not showing me all these Jobs from user menu i.e. Human Resources-->Organizational Management-->Organizational Plan-->Organization and Staffing-->Change....

ANS:1 Try creating jobs using Transaction PO03, link it with position or Org Unit, and try to see the same in PPOME.

From PPOME, I can not create a list of JOBS. Here it shows 'list of values' only via F4. I am concern from which table where it is coming, I mean this 'list of values'.
From PO03, you can just create Objects like JOB, Position, Org Units etc. not list of jobs like Secretary, Manager, receptionist.

ANS:2 The jobs which you have created from the below path
IMG-->Personnel Administration-->Organizational Data-->Organizational Assignment-->Organizational Plan-->Define Job-->Jobs and Job Title

cann't be listed thro' SAP EASy access. Because it is not created by OM side.
If you check the above path there is a column called 'OM' which is blank. If you create Jobs using PPO3 i.e. from OM side, it is updated in the above path with column 'OM' with value as 'P' & you can maintain this using the SAP EASY access path.

I think SAP has created those Jobs directly in SPRO, just to take the reference of it.

ANS:3 refer database table T513.

ANS:4 Go to SAP EASY ACCESS and type PPOC_OLD in the transaction bar. There you can create the org structure along with jobs and positions.
Again these will reflect in the path what u specified in your thread.

Select the Org unit and click create , you will get positions there. then click the position option, then you will get a small table where you can create jobs and positions for that particular org unit.
Again if you want to c those things in the path u specified, u can. these jobs and positions will reflect there

You are absolutely right.

IMG-->Personnel Administration-->Organizational Data-->Organizational Assignment-->Organizational Plan-->Define Job-->Jobs

there is a column OM that has value P for some jobs and these are those jobs that are seen from SAP Easy access Menu but all such JOBs are disabled there i.e. from IMG-->Personnel Administration-->Organizational Data-->Organizational Assignment-->Organizational Plan-->Define Job-->Jobs --> Change view jobs. Why is it so?

I checked it but it is not showing from SAP Easy access menu. One more question? when I go to
IMG-->Personnel Administration-->Organizational Data-->Organizational Assignment-->Organizational Plan-->Define Job-->Jobs --> Double click on Jobs a table is open ....How should I come to know which table it is as STATUS shows only SM30.
No doubt I can access it from sm30 but from a particular node how should I come to know which table it is???

If I go by PPO3, it is asking me to create Org Unit. That is already created. I only want to create jobs.
when I tried to create jobs from PPSC. I also have to maintain Evaluation Path. Which I don't want to do. I want standard Evaluation Path that is followed in 'Organization and staffing interface'.
It is also asking me to maintain other infotypes like Job Evaluation Results etc.

The jobs that are seen disabled here IMG-->Personnel Administration-->Organizational Data-->Organizational Assignment-->Organizational Plan-->Define Job--> with P value in OM column are not showing any relationship in Expert Mode. Their Relationship column is blank

ANS:5 Use PO03 for creating job and you will get the option of maintaining as many infotypes as you need for this purpose.There will be no mandatory infotyes to be manitained for the same unless it is been specified in the essential infotypes list.If you have related the job with a position, then in PPOME as soon as you select the postion in the search field, the job will be displayed under it.
If you want to use PP03 for creating job, then change the action items for job creation to match your requirements.

108. 1. is regarding maintaing org management relation ships .How we maintain relation ships between persons(s) in development system coz there will be no data available in development system.????

2. For example I created org unit A ,Org Unit B ,i assigned a position sr clerk to org unit A and sr Clerk to Org unit B. .Now my question is position in org unit B should reports to position in org unit A..and .how their relation ships are maintained????

ANS:1 For the testing purpose all the configurations from the con figuration client will always BE MAPPED TO DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM.
This provides flexibility of testing custom objects and also to check the configuration quality.
So data will always be there in the testing client of the development system.

ANS:2 1. You must have the standard relationship in your Golden clients.

2. Depends on the relationship, if he is going to report to that superior, you can use the relationship "reports to" that employee in Relationship Infotype 1001.

ANS:3 1. I think u got the solution for the first one from amit,
2. This can be done using expert mode. kindly do the scenario which u told and create relationship as u told which is possible here.

109. We are using Organization management for US market. We want to extend this functionality to Germany. I have some doubts on this. Is anyone having any documents on this kind of consolidation?

How can we maintain the language for these new objects created for the new German scenario? How can we maintain the number range for Germany and US separate ( if this is possible)? How can we consolidate the existing US market with the new German market? Is there any technical integration points?

ANS:1 Org structure for germany r u consider it as separate entity dose the company code is diff for US and Germany

The company codes are different for both US and Germany. Where do we maintain the company code to Number range and Language relation?

ANS:2 you maintain the number range in TA OONR.

But for what do you need a separation between US and DE?
For the language exists a report:RE_RHTRANS0 - Translation.

For each company code in OM, you need a separate node.
node A - Group XXX
node A1 - US
node A2 – Germany

If I have a separate node for US and separate node for DE ( as they are under two different Company codes ), how can I consolidate both and combine the two nodes to bring under a single node?

Using the report RHTRANS0 I am able to create an entry in table T527X ( if I run this report for org unit) with the language key as mentioned in the report selection screen. But How will I able to view this new record created? I created the record with language key DE, I tried to login with logon laguage DE but I am not able to see the record created in DE for this org unit. Is there any other setting like user parameter that I need to maintain apart from logon language?

Is there a way to associate company codes with number ranges, i.e if I am creating an object in DE company code then the system will assign the object ID from a mentioned number range? and if I am in US company code then it is different number range?

ANS:3 you should create a head node. And after this you should create a relationship between your 2 country nodes.
Have you maintained table: T778L
Normally after running RHTRANS0 and after a manually translation of each specific entry, you should get entries in the "new logon" language.
Additionally you can create a new record with PP01 in the "new logon" language.
Then you can test it.
For your 3rd point I would say no. for different objects yes, but not for different company codes. But do you really need it? if yes, for what?

Yes I maintained the language key in table T778L for both EN and DE.

I can see the new record created for language DE in tables T527X and also in table HRP1000. and I logged in as DE as the logon language but I am not able to maintain or see the german record created for this object. How can I maintain or see using transactions ppome, ppos_old, po10 etc? I am only able to maintain the EN record.

ANS:4 Company code will be created by FI/CO consultant
you can go for system generated number range or you can create in OONR
language will set in company code or in you user Maintenance view you can set language

110. I am currently working of org data migration from legacy to SAP and using LSMW Recording for Infotype 1000, 1001, 1002 .....
when I came across info type 1001 were I was creating Relations using recording i can easily do whole recording with out any problem, and then I saved this recording and provided source and structure fields.
Problem I encountered at P1001-SCLAS in second screen of tcode PP02. where I have to enter " Type of related object ". its a list of selections where I have to pick one from a list, the value i pick here is description of what I upload from a text file. for eg: if I read the value of SCLAS : k or s, or c or o. then similarly I have to pick a description.
k = cost center, s = positions, c = jobs and o = org unit. depending of subtype I select a list of description is populated.

In P1001-SCLAS which is in the second screen of PP02. here comes the problem, this field is of only 2 character but on the screen I have to select a description which is obviously greater than 2 character.
When I read file and convert data the converted data has only values picked from the file but not description.
Here is what I needed. How do I convert a 2 char field to a 12 or 15 character field in target table and how to select a single description from a list of descriptions.
Note: DTT is ruled out here. No chance of using DTT. But still you can add comments on DTT.

ANS:1 I think u r going wrong some where....

sclas LIKE p1001-sclas, "Relationship type
sobid LIKE p1001-sobid, "Relationship Object ID

sclas is 2 Char which should be your Object Type where as
Sobid is 8 Char which is 8 Digit unique ID for the object

While creating relationship you never come across maintaining Descriptions ... either u r creating object and not relationship.

I am creating relationships through tcode PP02. if this is not correct then what will be tcode to create relationships in org management.

ANS:2 u r on a right track.. you can use PP02 or PP01 .. in what ever you feel comfortable... but if you want to records a BDC then PP02 is better than PP01.

I am using tcode PP02 and then entering values for

Plan Version,
Object Type,
Object ID,
Planning status, and

Once I hit create icon "Create Relationships" screen comes up here I have to enter Type of related object, which I can select from a drop down list. This field is P1001-SCLAS. Which is of 2 characters, but when I see a drop down list its a description which is more than 2 characters. How can I populate values in this field using BDC or Recording. the value I am reading from a file for this field is k or s ... but same field has a drop down list with descriptions but not k or s...., its kind of hard for me to imagin how this field can be populated. When I run a session in SM35 I am getting an error in BDC session as " No batch input data for screen MP100100 2000 ".When I look Converted data in LSMW its k or s ... but not description this is obvious.

ANS:3 As an alternative to BDC, you can explore the option of using the BAPI,

welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:51 AM


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welcomewiki 01-25-2011 05:54 AM

Questions asked in...

  • Tata Consultancy Services
  • Wipro Limited
  • Infosys
  • HCL Technologies
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Patni Computer Systems
  • i-flex Solutions
  • MphasiS
  • L&T Infotech
  • IBM India
    • Aditya Technologies Pvt Ltd
    • Asset Infotech Ltd
    • Atari Informatics Ltd
    • Baan Info Systems India P Ltd
    • HCL Infosystems Ltd
    • Hexaware Technologies Ltd
    • Iflex Solutions Ltd
    • Igate Global Solutions Ltd
    • Infosys Technologies Ltd
    • Larsen & Toubro Ltd
    • Mastek Ltd
    • NIIT Ltd
    • IBM India
    • Aftek
    • Nucleus Software
    • Vakrangee Softwares
    • Cybertech Systems
    • Eonour Technologies Ltd

    • Patni Computer Systems (P) Ltd
    • Polaris Software Lab Ltd
    • B-commerce Infosystems Pvt Ltd
    • Cerulean Information Tech. Pvt Ltd
    • CMC Ltd
    • CMS Computers
    • HCL Corporation Ltd
    • Satyam Computer Services Ltd
    • Tata Consultancy Services
    • Tata Infotech Ltd
    • Wipro Ltd
    • Cranes Software
    • Geometric Software Solution
    • Computech International
    • Encore Software
    • DSQ Software
    • Digital Globalsoft
    • Danlaw Technologies

Fuemeowetle 01-27-2011 01:51 PM

Good one thanks alot

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