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welcomewiki 04-29-2011 01:33 PM

Royal Wedding kiss: Newlyweds Prince William and Kate Middleton kiss for the crowds on the balcony of Buckingham Palace

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Prince William and Kate Middleton kiss for the crowds

Newlyweds Prince William and Kate Middleton sealed their love with not one but TWO kisses on the famous Buckingham Palace balcony today to the delight of the nation.
The bride and groom appeared with their families to acknowledge the thousands of well-wishers crowded along The Mall.
They exchanged a kiss to roars of approval.

Then, as an RAF flypast swept towards the palace, the couple kissed again,.
The crowds were escorted down the Mall to Buckingham palace
Well-wishers waited patiently with cameras at the ready for the couple's first kiss
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    Kate gasped and said 'Oh My' as she saw the crowds

    Watch Wills and Kate's second kiss /video: YouTube/KCTProductionsHD
    William and Kate were proclaimed "man and wife" at a historic ceremony at Westminster Abbey.
    The future king and his beautiful bride, who will now one day be Queen, pledged their love for one another in the ancient surrounds, watched by millions across the globe.
    In a stunning ivory gown with lace applique floral detail designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen, Kate walked up the red carpeted aisle a commoner.
    With her new husband at her side and a ring on her finger, the former Miss Middleton left the abbey as HRH the Duchess of Cambridge - William was made a duke by the Queen this morning.
    A congregation of 1,900 and up to two billion people saw their vows, as they were beamed live around world.
    In the presence of the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, Kate's parents Carole and Michael Middleton and other guests in the abbey, William placed Kate's simple gold wedding band on her finger.
    After stepping outside at the Great West Door, they joined a carriage procession of magnificent pomp and splendour and headed back to the Palace following the ceremony, ready to watch the traditional flypast from the balcony.
    After the couple arrived at the palace, a sea of people followed them down The Mall, eager for a glimpse of them on the balcony.
    They were not disappointed.
    The bride appeared to mouth 'Oh wow' as she stepped out and was greeted by a vast crowd of flag-waving people.
    William and Kate's initial fleeting embrace, their first in public, sent the already ecstatic well-wishers wild.
    The second kiss brought ever-louder cheers.
    Meanwhile William's father the Prince of Wales held up his wife Camilla's grand-daughter Eliza Lopes, aged three, so she could get a better view.
    After about five minutes of waving to the crowds, the couple walked hand in hand back through the doors of the palace, Kate taking one last glimpse over her shoulder at the scene below.
    The future king and his beautiful bride pledged their love for one another in the ancient surroundings of the abbey.
    Kate was dubbed "Waity Katie" for her patience during her long courtship with William as she waited for her prince to pop the question.
    Today she finally became a royal wife.
    As she recited her vows, William smiled encouragingly.
    The service was flawless but there was a tiny moment of drama as the prince struggled to place the ring on Kate's finger.
    After the couple said their vows, in which the modern-thinking bride did not promise to obey William, the Archbishop of Canterbury declared: "I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
    Cheers erupted down The Mall and across the country as their union was sealed in front of a congregation of 1,900, with an estimated TV audience of two billion watching around the world.
    Thousands of well-wishers had flocked to the processional route, cheering heartily as Kate made her way to the abbey after leaving the Goring hotel with her father Michael at 10.51am precisely.
    The Rolls-Royce arrived at 11am as the abbey bells rang out.
    Kate enters Westminster Abbey
    Wills waits for his bride Kate
    A smile for Wills as she spots her husband-to-be
    When her father took her left hand they began their procession along the red carpet that started outside the ancient building and led inside, with her sister Pippa carrying her train.
    On her father's arm and watched by her proud mother Carole, Kate walked up the aisle as a commoner to the sounds of the coronation anthem, Parry's "I Was Glad".
    When they arrived at the altar Prince William apparently cracked a joke to his father-in-law, according to a lip-reader, saying they were "supposed to have just a small family affair".
    Moments earlier, William's best man Prince Harry apparently told his brother: "Right she is here now."
    As her groom waited, Kate moved along the red carpet, around the south side of the poppy-lined Grave of the Unknown Warrior - the only gravestone in the abbey over which it is not permitted to walk.
    Behind her was her maid of honour and sister charmingly holding hands with the youngest of the bridesmaids Eliza Lopes and Grace van Cutsem - both just three-years-old.
    They were followed by Lady Louise Windsor and the Hon Margarita Armstrong-Jones, and then the page boys Tom Pettifer and Billy Lowther-Pinkerton.
    Miss Middleton made her way to the Lantern, where she finally met William, resplendent in his dashing red military uniform, at the Sacrarium steps.
    Dean of Westminster Dr John Hall began the service with the famous words: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony..."
    The cleric went on to utter the immortal lines: "...if any man can shew any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace."
    William spoke in public for the first time today when he replied "I will" in a clear and strong voice to the Archbishop of Canterbury's question about whether he would "love, comfort, honour and keep" Kate.
    His bride spoke more softly when she said "I will" in response to the same question.
    The wedding day became a magical public spectacle when the bride and groom left the abbey and climbed into the 1902 State Landau for a procession through the famous streets of central London.
    Crowds who had been gathering since early this morning cheered and waved at the couple as they passed by in the Captain's Escort with the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment.
    William and Kate returned the waves and smiled back at the tens of thousands who lined crash barriers from the abbey to Buckingham Palace.
    The procession was made at a fairly sedate pace and looked an impressive sight with a division of soldiers and officers in their shiny breastplates and plumed helmets leading the way and another behind.
    And despite fears that rain would spoil the occasion, a shaft of sunlight fell across The

welcomewiki 04-29-2011 01:38 PM

Royal wedding day timetable of events for next one month with Honeymoon plans

THE Lord Chamberlain’s office at Buckingham Palace has mapped out the day’s schedule with military precision after a series of run-throughs to ensure everything sits perfectly for the 11am start.
8.15AM TO 9.45AM: Most of the guests arrive. Members of Kate’s extended family and locals from her home village take their seats next to the couple’s friends from university and schooldays. Celebrity guests including David and Victoria Beckham, Sir Elton John, Ben Fogle and wife Marina mingle with crowds.
9.50AM: The next “tier” of guests including Prime Minister David Cameron and wife Samantha, Foreign Secretary William Hague and wife Ffion, Labour Leader Ed Miliband and fiancee Justine Thornton arrive. Politicians from all parties sit with leaders and foreign dignitaries who have gathered from Commonwealth countries.
10.15AM: William and his best man Prince Harry take their places at the front of the abbey.
10.20AM: Foreign royals start to file into the venue. These include Prince Felipe of Spain and his stunning wife Princess Letizia, the Sultan of Oman, the fabulously wealthy Sultan of Brunei, Prince Albert of Monaco with his South African-born fiancee Charlene Wittstock, and Sheikha Mozah of Qatar.
10.27AM: Kate’s mum Carole Middleton and her brother James are dropped off at the abbey.
10.30AM: Junior British royals such as Zara and Peter Phillips begin to take their seats.
10.40AM: Royals higher up the line of succession arrive. Prince Andrew takes his seat next to daughters Princess Beatrice and Eugenie, whose mum, Sarah Ferguson, has famously been snubbed. The proud parents of bridesmaid Lady Louise Windsor Prince Edward and wife Sophie – arrive with their three-year-old son Viscount Severn. They are closely followed by Princess Anne and her husband Timothy Laurence.
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    10.55AM: Bridesmaids and page boys, including Kate’s younger sister Pippa Middleton arrive.
    10.51AM: Kate and her father Michael Middleton leave Mayfair’s Goring Hotel with precisely nine minutes to get to the abbey.
    11AM: All eyes are on Kate as she arrives to walk down the aisle on the arm of her father to marry her prince. The service then begins and is played on loud speakers along the procession route.
    12.15PM: The service finishes. The couple leave the Abbey in the 1902 State Landau coach, escorted by the Household Cavalry for their canape reception with 650 guests at Buckingham Palace.
    1.25PM: The balcony kiss. Newly married Kate and William wave to their fans from the balcony at Buckingham Palace.
    1.30PM: Wedding guests and the London crowds stare skywards to watch a spectacular fly-past by the RAF performing a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.

welcomewiki 04-30-2011 05:48 AM


Royal wedding guest list: a fallen hero's family, Victoria and David Beckham, a gay rugby star and Mr Bean

William has given the families of his Army pals ****ed in combat prime seats at his wedding.
His Sandhurst mentor Major Alexis Roberts died in Afghanistan and 2nd Lieutenant Joanna Dyer was ****ed in Iraq. The wedding guest list published yesterday shows he has invited Alexis's widow Susie and Joanna's sister Holly.
They will join celebrities such as David and Victoria Beckham, and Mr Bean comedy star Rowan Atkinson. Gay Welsh rugby star Gareth Thomas is also invited.

One guest with a more typical name for such an occasion is fundraiser Barty Pleydell-Bouverie - but Princess Di's friends Rosa Monckton and Annabel Goldsmith were left out, although sources said most of the invites went to pals of Wills and Kate. Here's the list in full...
British Royal Family
The Queen
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Prince of Wales and
The Duchess of Cornwall
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    The Duke of York
    Princess Beatrice of York
    Princess Eugenie of York
    The Earl and Countess of Wes***
    The Princess Royal and
    Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence
    Mr and Mrs Peter Phillips
    Miss Zara Phillips with
    Mr Mike Tindall
    Viscount Linley,
    Viscountess Linley and the Hon. Charles
    The Lady Sarah Chatto and Mr Daniel Chatto,
    Master Samuel Chatto and Master Arthur Chatto
    The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
    The Earl and Countess of Ulster
    The Lady Davina and Mr Gary Lewis
    Lady Rose and Mr George Gilman
    The Duke and Duchess of Kent
    Earl and Countess of St Andrews
    Lord Downpatrick
    The Lady Marina- Charlotte Windsor
    The Lady Amelia Windsor
    The Lord and Lady Nicholas Windsor
    The Lady Helen Taylor and Mr Timothy Taylor
    Prince and Princess Michael of Kent
    The Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor
    The Lady Gabriella Windsor
    Princess Alexandra, the Hon. Lady Ogilvy
    Mr and Mrs James Ogilvy Miss Marina Ogilvy
    The Lady Saltoun
    The Middletons
    Mrs Carol Middleton
    Mr Michael Middleton
    Mr James Middleton
    Miss Philippa Middleton
    The Spencers
    The Lady Sarah
    Mr Neil McCorquadale
    Mrs Anne Wake-Walker
    The Lord Robert Fellowes
    The Lady Jane Fellowes
    The Earl Spencer
    Miss Karen Gordon, fiancee of Earl Spencer
    The Prime Minister and Mrs David Cameron
    The Deputy Prime Minister and Ms Miriam Gonzalez Duantez
    First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Mrs William Hague
    The Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Hon. Mrs Osborne
    The Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor and Mrs Kenneth Clarke
    The Secretary of State for the Home Department and Minister for Women and Equalities, and Mr Philip May
    The Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport and Mrs Jeremy Hunt
    The Rt Hon Ed Miliband, MP and Ms Justine Thornton The Speaker of the House of Commons and Mrs John Bercow
    The Presiding Officer of the National Assembly for Wales and the Lady Elis-Thomas
    The Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament and Mrs Alex Fergusson
    The Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Mrs William Hay
    The Lord Speaker and Mr Martin Hayman
    First Minister of Wales and Mrs Carwyn Jones
    First Minister of Northern Ireland and Mrs Peter Robinson
    First Minister of Scotland and Mrs Alex Salmond
    The Mayor of London and Mrs Boris Johnson
    The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor and The Lady Mayoress
    Sir Gus and Lady O'Donnell
    The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of Westminster and Count Paolo Filo della Torre
    Mr and Mrs Simon Fraser
    Foreign Royalty
    The Prince and Princess of the Asturias
    The Crown Prince of Bahrain Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde of Belgium
    The Sultan of Brunei and Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha
    King Simeon II and Queen Margarita of the Bulgrarian
    The Queen of Denmark
    King Constantine and Queen Anne- Marie of the Hellenes
    Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece and Prince
    Constantine of Greece Sheikh Ahmad Hmoud
    Al-Sabah of Kuwait
    Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso and Princess Mabereng Seeiso of Lesotho
    The Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg
    The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Raja
    Permaisuri Agong of Malaysia Prince Albert II of Monaco and Miss Charlene Wittstock
    Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco
    The Crown Prince and Princess of
    The Netherlands
    The King and Queen of Norway Sayyid Haitham bin Tariq Al Said of Oman
    The Emir of The State of Qatar and Sheika Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
    King Michael I of Romania and Crown Princess Margarita
    Prince Mohamed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and Princess Fadwa bint Khalid bin Abdullah bin Abdulrahman
    The Queen of Spain
    The King of Swaziland
    The Crown Princess of Sweden and
    The Duke of Västergõtland
    Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand
    The King of Tonga
    The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Yugoslavia The Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia
    Wills' friends
    David Allan
    Chairman of Mountain Rescue, England and Wales. Prince William is their Patron
    Major Tom Archer-Burton
    Prince William and Prince Harry's Commanding Officer in the Household Cavalry
    Charlie Mayhew
    Chief Executive of the Conservation Charity, Tusk Trust
    Alison Moore-Gwyn
    Chief Executive of Fields in Trust. Prince William is patron of one of their initiatives
    Seyi Obakin
    Chief Executive of Centrepoint which became Prince William's first Patronage in 2005
    Peter Cross
    Chief Executive of the charity S****Force, of which Prince William has been patron since 2009.
    Amanda Berry
    Chief Executive of Bafta. Prince William has been President of Bafta since 2010
    Ann Chalmers
    Chief Executive of the Child Bereavement Charity. Prince William has been patron since 2009
    Julia Samuel
    Julia Samuel is Chair of the Child Bereavement Charity and also a family friend of Prince William
    Tessa Green
    Former Chairman of The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Prince William became president in May 2007
    Simon Johnson
    Worked closely with Prince William as Chief Operating Officer of the FA's 2018 World Cup bid
    Sir Trevor Brooking
    Football Association's Director of Football Development and is responsible for youth-coaching standards in England
    Sir Clive Woodward
    Former Coach of the England Rugby Team and the British and Irish Lions
    Gareth Thomas
    William has met the Welsh Rugby player several times in his role as Vice Patron of the Welsh Rugby Union
    Ian Thorpe
    Prince William met the Olympic swimmer on a visit to Australia in 2010
    Barty Pleydell-Bouverie
    Led the Cycle of Life charity bike ride across Africa in 2008, which raised money for the Tusk Trust
    Rear Admiral Ian Corder
    Rear Admiral of Submarines. Prince William was appointed Commodore-in-Chief of Submarines in 2006
    Brigadier Ed Smyth-Osbourne
    William and Harry's Commanding Officer in the Household Regiment and acted as their military mentor
    Major William Bartle-Jones
    William's Squadron Leader in the Household Cavalry Regiment based at Windsor
    Wing Commander Steven Bentley
    William's Search and Rescue Force Squadron Leader at RAF Valley, Anglesey
    Sergeant Keith Best
    Colleague of William's at RAF Valley, in Anglesey
    Squadron Leader Paul Bolton
    Colleague of William's at RAF Valley in Anglesey
    Wing Commander Kevin Marsh
    Met William through his service in the RAF
    Lance-Corporal Martyn Compton
    Lance-Corporal in the Household Cavalry. He was injured in an ambush in Afghanistan in 2006, which put him in a coma for three months and left him with 75% burns
    Holly Dyer
    Holly is sister to 2nd Lieutenant Joanna Dyer, who was ****ed by a bomb in Iraq in 2007. Joanna was a close friend of Prince William's at Sandhurst
    Susie Roberts
    The widow of Major Alexis Roberts, who was ****ed in Afghanistan in 2007. Major Roberts was William's Sandhurst Platoon Commander
    Bryn and Emma Parry
    Founded the charity Help for Heroes
    Edward Gould
    Master of Marlborough College when Kate was a student
    Andrew Gailey
    Vice-Provost of Eton College and was Prince William's Housemaster
    The Hon. Edward Dawson-Damer
    An ex-Irish Guards officer, who was Equerry to the Queen Mother in the 80s. Hosted Prince William for a section of his visit to Australia in January 2010
    Sam Stevenson
    William's New Zealand equerry during his visit to the country in July 2005
    Sir John Major
    Following the death of Diana in 1997, Sir John Major - then Prime Minister - was appointed a Guardian to William and Harry
    Rowan Atkinson
    Mr Bean actor and close friend of Prince Charles
    Tom Bradby
    Journalist friend of William and Kate's who conducted their first joint interview together on the day their engagement was announced
    Ben Fogle
    The TV presenter and adventurer is good friend of William
    Sir Elton John
    Performed at Princess Diana's funeral
    David and Victoria Beckham
    David worked with William in his capacity as President of the Football Association on the England World Cup bid
    Guy Ritchie
    Friend of Willam and Kate
    Joss Stone
    Performed at the Concert for Diana at Wembley in 2007 and at City Salute in 2008
    Mario Testino
    Photographer who took the couple's official engagement photos
    Tara Palmer-Tomkinson
    Family friend of the Prince of Wales
    Sam Waley-Cohen
    The amateur jockey who reunited the couple after their 2007 split
    Galen and Hilary Weston
    Prince Charles' friends
    The Governor-Generals of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, St Christopher and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines.
    Prime Minister of Australia
    Prime Minister of The Bahamas
    Prime Minister of Barbados
    Prime Minister of New Zealand
    Prime Minister of Papua New
    Guinea and Lady Somare
    Prime Minister of Saint Lucia
    Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
    The Premier of Bermuda
    The Premier of The British Virgin Islands and Mrs Ralph O'Neal
    The Premier of Cayman Islands
    The Hon. Sharon and Mr. Rodney Halford (Falkland Islands)
    The Chief Minister of Gibraltar and Mrs Peter Caruana
    The Chief Minister of Montserrat and the Reverend Doctor Joan Delsol Meade
    The Hon. John and Mrs Vilma Cranfield (St. Helena)
    The Armed Forces
    Major General and Mrs William Cubitt, Major General Commanding Household Division and GOC London District
    Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton, below, and Lady Dalton, Chief of the Air Staff
    General Sir Nicholas and Lady Houghton
    Air Vice-Marshal the Hon. David and Mrs. Murray, Defence Services Secretary
    General Sir David and Lady Richards, Chief of the Defence Staff
    Admiral Sir Mark and Lady Stanhope, First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff
    General Sir Peter and Lady Wall, Chief of the General Staff
    Faith leaders
    The Most Reverend Gregorious, Archbishop of the Greek Archdiocese of Thysteira and Great Britain
    The Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs Rowan Williams
    Rabbi Anthony Bayfield Mr Anil Bhanot
    The Archbishop of Armagh, Cardinal Archbishop Sean Brady
    Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, The Most Reverend David Chillingworth
    The Right Reverend John Christie, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
    Mr Malcolm Deboo President, Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe
    The Rt. Reverend Doctor Norman Hamilton
    The Archbishop of Armagh, The Most Reverend Alan Edwin Harper
    Monsignor Philip Kerr, The Convener, Action of Churches Together in Scotland
    Commissioner Elizabeth Matear, Salvation Army
    The Archbishop of Wales, The Most Reverend Doctor Barry Morgan The Reverend Gareth Morgan Jones, President of the Free Church Council of Wales
    Cardinal Cormac Murphy-Connor The Archbishop of Westminster, The Most Reverend Vincent Nichols
    Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien, Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh
    Rabbi Alan Plancey Imam Mohammad Raza
    The Chief Rabbi (Lord Sacks)
    The Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala,
    Acting Head Monk, The London Buddhist Vihara
    Maulana Syed Raza Shabbarm, Muhammadi Trust
    Mr Natubhai Shah, President, Jain Academy Dr Indarjit Singh, Director, Network Sikh Organisations (UK)
    Canon Chirstopher Tuckwell
    The Reverend Martin Turner
    The Archbishop of York and Mrs John Sentamu</time>

welcomewiki 04-30-2011 05:53 AM

Sure those hats were wise, ladies? Princesses Bea and Eugenie top the fashion flops yet again in outlandish outfits

On a day of high fashion, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie certainly didn’t let the side down with their choice of designers.
It was, perhaps, a brave decision by Beatrice to pick a dusty pink Valentino Couture outfit given her flame-coloured hair. But the well-cut knee-length design at least allowed her to show off that new svelte figure.
Bolder still was her choice of headwear, a creation by star milliner Philip Treacy who seems to have designed the majority of the hats for yesterday’s wedding. Is that an octopus on her head, or a pair of antlers?
Scroll down for video Getting it wrong: Princess Eugenie of York in Vivienne Westwood and Princess Beatrice of York in Valentino haute couture arrive at Westminster Abbey for the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton Faux pas: The Princesses have come under fire for their outlandish outfits

Treacy created some fabulous hats for the wedding – as seen on Zara Phillips and Sam Branson’s girlfriend, Isabella Calthorpe – but Beatrice’s hat wasn’t one of them, because it stole attention away from her face.
Her younger sister, Eugenie, wore a cobalt-coloured creation by British designer Vivienne Westwood. A patriotic choice it may have been, but it did little to enhance Eugenie’s terrific curves.
The jacket with bow detailing was too tight; her puffball skirt a violently bright shade of blue and neither matched her gold platforms.
Rounded off with another Philip Treacy hat, the end result was slightly too panto for a setting as solemn as the Abbey.
The Countess of Wes*** took the prize for the most stylish member of the Royal Family – after the bride of course. Sophie looked radiant – and trim – in a fitted biscuit suit by British designer Bruce Oldfield, who had at one point been the favoured name to design the bridal dress.
Paired with a jaunty Jane Taylor hat with rose detailing, you would hardly know that Sophie had broken a rib in a riding accident earlier in the week. Princess Michael of Kent shimmered into the Abbey in a teale blue jacket and skirt, and yet another Philip Treacy hat that showed that she clearly wasn’t worrying about obstructing the view of every single guest sitting behind her.
Her daughter-in-law, Hollywood actress Sophie Winkleman, cut a dash in chic, navy Armani Prive alongside her husband, Lord Frederick Windsor.
And then there was the next royal bride-to-be – Zara Phillips shone in a fitted, silver Paul Costello outfit, teamed with, oh yes, another Philip Treacy hat that showed off her magnificent cheekbones.
The more senior members of the Royal Family opted for sugary tones that would have made the Queen Mother proud.


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Princess Anne beamed in a floral mid-length lime green and purple jacket teamed with a knee-length purple silk dress. Worn with the obligatory double strand of pearls around her neck, it was a jolly look completed with a purple hat covered in netting.

Oh dear: Ed Miliband's partner Justine struck the wrong note with her creased taffeta skirt, incongruous funnel neckline, shrunken, wrinkled jacket and demented hat, while Tara Palmer Tomkinson, right, looked brash

The Duchess of Kent made a rare public appearance in a pale pink jacket and skirt matched with tan kitten heels – neatly set off by a snakeskin handbag that would not have shamed Victoria B eckham.
And Lady Helen Windsor, ever the royal fashionista, wore an appropriate royal blue jacket with a floral dress and silk clutch.
All in all a kaleidoscope of colour from the Royal Family – and a very profitable day for Philip Treacy who can now claim the prize as the Mad Hatter by Royal Appointment.
William and Harry’s uncle Earl Spencer, right, was back at Westminster Abbey where his impassioned eulogy at the funeral of his sister Diana dominated proceedings 14 years ago.

The earl, 46, was seated with four of his children, including Lady Amelia (below left), 18, her twin Lady Eliza (centre) and Lady Kitty (right), 20, below, and his fiancée, Karen Gordon, behind the Middletons and on the other side of the aisle from the Royal Family.

It was a bad day all round for politicians' supposedly better halves.

Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, wife of Nick Clegg, made a dramatic statement in a form-fitting lace overlay dress, black stilettos, turban and vibrant flower headpiece, but while she undoubtedly made a statement, maybe it was the wrong sort.

Celebrity bridal stylist Camilla Ridley-Day said it was 'all a bit much', adding that her hat looked a little ridiculous.

Twitter users were more colourful in their descriptions, calling her outfit 'part Carmen Miranda, part Roxie Hart', while one wonderd why she was wearing a 'lampshade' on her head.

Sally Bercow, wife of the Speaker of the House of Commons, showed scant regard for royal protocol as she stepped out in a black lace wrap dress with plunging neckline and revealing hemline complete with split.

Either Ms Bercow was unaware of, or simply disregarded, the formal dress code that implicitly calls for demure neckline and skirt length as she revealed a shocking expanse of her ample cleavage and a flash of thigh.

Her outfit choice certainly raised a few eyebrows, but her flouting of formality would have been no surprise to many, thanks to Ms Bercow's penchant for sensational headline-grabbing outfits. After all, who could forget the semi-naked Ms Bercow posing in view of the Houses of Parliament in a bed sheet?

Samantha Cameron also broke with royal wedding tradition, choosing to turn up at the Abbey bare-headed. Although her Burberry dress with its demure sleeves and neckline fit the bill, onlookers said her head looked strangely naked - especially in contrast to the elaborate headgear of fellow guests.

Dog's dinner: Sally Bercow's dress was too short and the neckline too low, while right, Clegg's wife Miriam looked dramatic, but the combination of lace, gloves, turban and corsage made for a jumbled result

A Labour MP has since come out to criticise the move, while social media sites are rife with discussion on her decision to go hatless, taking to the Internet to slate what they called her 'disrespectful' choice.
But the award for protocol-buster of the day surely goes to Lady Kitty Spencer, daughter of Earl Spencer, who wore a very snug Victoria Beckham dress that revealed an expanse of decolletage, the effect of which was only enhanced by the overhead camera angle. Informal: Samantha Cameron chose not to wear a hat for the royal wedding, a move which some commented made her head look 'naked' and her overall look unfinished


  • Chelsy Davy and SamCam duet in turquoise as they lead the way in a colourful parade of A-listers at Westminster Abbey
  • Here comes the McQueen: Kate Middleton marries her Prince in stunning design by Sarah Burton
  • An ever so stylish sister act: Maid-of-honour Pippa Middleton mirrors the bride in white Alexander McQueen gown
  • Inside the Abbey: The spectacular fairytale ceremony that every girl dreams of. Even a struggle with the ring couldn't spoil it
  • Excitable swooning vs breathtakingly banal: Paul Connolly gives his verdict on the best Royal Wedding TV coverage
  • Now here's the showbiz royalty... Victoria goes for minimalistic navy for Royal Wedding while David looks sharp in black suit
  • Tents, tiaras and a few tears on the streets of London as A MILLION turn out for Wills and Kate
  • Just (wed) William! Prince drives his new bride away from the Palace in a vintage Aston after balcony kiss thrills the crowds Dressed to the nines: Earl Spencer's daughters, Lady Amelia, Lady Eliza and Lady Kitty wore elaborate fascinators, with Kitty, far right, wearing a very low-cut Victoria Beckham dress with her Philip Treacy hat Revealing too much? Lady Kitty Spencer's Victoria Beckham dress gave her an impressive cleavage - but perhaps too much flesh was on show for the formality of the occasion


As for Victoria Beckham, the jury is still out.

Her dress was classy if a little funereal: a loose-fitting piece from her own collection that skimmed her bump perfectly. The sombre navy tone was perhaps a little dark for such a happy occasion, but the style was demure and appropriate.

What a shame then, that she should spoil the effect with her harshly pulled-back hair - some have called the fiercely pulled-back ponytail the 'Croydon face-lift', thanks to the effect it has on the forehead - topped off with a gravity-defying hat clinging to her forehead and heavy make up far too dark for a daytime wedding.

'I loved the outfit, says Ridley-Day, but it would have been better to keep her hair softer, and her make up was possibly a little bit more red carpet than royal wedding.'
And in a final note on fashion faux pas: David's OBE medal be worn on the left, not the right. Thankfully, a kindly official must have pointed the error out to Becks, as he switched the medal to the correct side during the ceremony.

The jury's out: Victoria's dress was classy, but some suggested her hair was sc****d back too tightly giving her the 'Croydon face-lift' effect, while her make-up was perhaps more suited to red carpet than royal wedding... and David's medal was worn on the wrong side, but not for long...

Enlarge Minor adjustment: Once inside the service, David Beckham switched his OBE medal from the right lapel where it was on his arrival, to the left, where it should rightly be

welcomewiki 04-30-2011 05:54 AM

William's ex- girlfriends

It could have been us! William's ex- girlfriends, who all came so close to being the princess bride themselves

As Jecca Craig, Arabella Musgrave, Rose Farquhar, Olivia Hunt and Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe walked into Westminster Abbey this morning, one couldn't help wondering what they might have looked like walking down the aisle in a white gown. For as William's ex-girlfriends, it could so easily have been them.
Though it has been over eight years since any of the dated him, it appears that he has sustained a relationship with nearly all of them.
Of course many have long-term partners of their own now. Miss Craig, 28, who had a teenage fling with William, attended with her beau Captain Philip Kaye - a friend of the prince himself.

Old flames: Actress Isabella Calthorpe, 30, in Matthew Williamson (left), was the subject of William's affections several years ago, while Jecca Craig (right), 28, had a teenage fling with the Prince

Miss Calthorpe, 30, who the Prince was said to be besotted by in 2004, is now dating actor and childhood friend Sam Hoare.


  • Now here's the showbiz royalty... Victoria goes for minimalistic navy for Royal Wedding while David looks sharp in black suit
  • Chelsy Davy and SamCam duet in turquoise as they lead the way in a colourful parade of A-listers at Westminster Abbey
  • Nose doubt, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson looks brilliant in blue at the Royal wedding
  • Here comes the McQueen: Kate Middleton marries her Prince in stunning design by Sarah Burton
  • An ever so stylish sister act: Maid-of-honour Pippa Middleton mirrors the bride in white Alexander McQueen gown
  • Carole Middleton is every inch the Royal mother of the bride in sky blue dress after ditching specially-designed outfit at late minute
  • LIZ JONES: Did Pippa upstage the bride?

Miss Hunt, 28, who dated William at university before Kate, and his first girlfriend, Miss Farquhar, 26, who he dated for a short while after he left Eton, also attended, as did Davina Duckworth-Chad – once named as a potential bride for William, who was at the wedding with husband Tom Barber.
That didn't stop the ladies going all-out in the fashion stakes. Miss Calthorpe supported British design talent in boho-chic Matthew Williamson.

Still friends: Rupert Finch (left, with his wife, Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs) dated the bride at St Andrews. Gucci PR Arabella Musgrove (right) once dated the groom but is now with banking heir George Galliers-Pratt

Arabella Musgrave, 28, who does PR for Gucci and now dates banking heir George Galliers-Pratt, and her friend Olivia Hunt, were both faithful to the Italian fashion giant.
They certainly gave the Royals a run for their money, even though they too had made an exceptional effort with Princess Beatrice in Valentino Haute Couture, Lady Kitty Spencer in Victoria Beckham and Gabriella Windsor in Catherine Walker.

The presence of so many ex-partners demonstrates how solid William and his new bride's relationship must be. A less secure woman might be shaken by the presence of a former lover in the congregation. The ex factor: Both William and Catherine, pictured after their wedding at Westminster Abbey today, have remained good friends with their former lovers

But Kate, now the Duchess of Cambridge, has a couple of her own old flames among the guests. Journalist Willem Marx, 28, who was her first boyfriend at Marlborough, has remained a close friend.
Also in attendance was lawyer Rupert Finch, 32, who briefly dated Kate at St Andrews. He is now married to the Marquess of Reading’s daughter, Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs, who herself is a dear friend of William's.

Together, the former lovers form the core of William and Kate's social set, and regularly join the Princes and their partners on holidays to Kenya and ski trips at Klosters.

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